Vaccine Requirements Work

"'No evidence' Lollapalooza was a super spreader event, Chicago official says":

Now the truth is the aftermath of Lollapalooza is not infection-free, but it was not a superspreader event. What does this tell us? VACCINE REQUIREMENTS WORK!

The most impactful statement on vaccines was uttered by Arnold Schwarzenegger, whose words have gone viral:

You should click through and read his statement. He's talking about listening to experts. Furthermore, today he called those not vaccinated "schmucks," and told them if they did not get the shot they needed to quarantine.

This is the exact opposite of what all the pollsters and social scientists have told us, which is to respect the unvaccinated, talk to them nicely, and then...maybe they will get the shot. BUT THEY HAVEN'T!

Even better is yesterday's story in the "Atlantic" by Dr. Chavi Eve Karkowsky:

"Vaccine Refusers Risk Compassion Fatigue - After the horrors that health-care workers have endured during the pandemic, many are struggling to sympathize with people who won't protect themselves.":

This is the money quote:

"'What makes me the maddest,' one of my doctor friends told me, 'is that these people will reject science right until the second they need everything I have to keep them alive, and then they feel that they can come to our door and be entitled to that help and that hard work.'"

Bottom line... If you're not vaccinated, you can't come to the show.

The noose is tightening ever so slowly.

Today, AEG announced that starting on October 1st, there will be vaccine requirements at their clubs and theatres.

Live Nation has vaccine requirements starting October 4th. They can't do it sooner because they need to assure all staff is vaccinated, they've got a ton of venues playing shows right now, especially their amphitheatres. They've also got a vaccine requirement at Bonnaroo, in Tennessee, where the vaccine rate is just 35%.

But the truth is both AEG and Live Nation are hampered by the states, putting up barriers to them insisting all shows have vaccine requirements.

Yes, the state refuses to keep you safe. In Florida, where Covid infections are breaking records. And Texas too. The governors there are afraid of angering their ignorant subjects. The tail is wagging the dog. You expect the government to keep you safe, isn't that why we spend all that money on defense? Ironically, these are the same states that insist we increase the defense budget. But when it comes to saving the folks at home...YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN!

And the truth is those refusing to get the vaccine are living in news bubbles filled with misinformation. I hear from them every day. I'd print their e-mails with their inanities, how Covid is just the flu and the vaccine doesn't work and who is going to take care of all those killed by the vaccine (citing an outrageous, fake high number) and masks do no good. The question is, how do you reach them?

Well, Arnold speaking truth is one way. As for the doctor in the "Atlantic"? She's preaching to the converted. Want to change people's minds? You've got to infiltrate their news outlets, especially online, which is what Russia and China are doing every damn day as the social media giants rake in the cash and refuse to be throttled. Facebook is even disallowing outside study of its data, talk about a rogue state, why don't we get the Defense Department to attack them?

But really, we've lost the information war. Hell, the country is convinced California is a land of economic ruin that everybody is leaving when the truth is California's economy is booming and the net loss of residents is extremely low. But, people hate California, so it feels right to say the state is floundering, just like it feels right to say that vaccine and mask rules don't work and are hindering your freedom.

What we need is all venues and all performers to institute vaccine requirements, immediately, or as soon as possible. As for the states that disallow this, refuse to play there, cancel dates, book around them. What a state hates most is economic consequences, especially highly visible ones. People may not need music like food and water, but it's high up on their list.

But it gets even worse. The truth is, you can have a breakthrough infection and die. Odds are not high, but it happens. Check out the data here: So the unvaccinated are taking a toll on the rest of us, you don't have the freedom to negatively impact the populace, maybe these anti-vaxxers need to be prosecuted criminally.

Well, that would require legislation, and politicians, especially on the national level, are afraid of their constituents, they won't take any action that might piss people off. I thought we elected officials because they were informed and dedicated and would make the hard choices and lead. Instead, they're amateurs beholden to pollsters trying to appease their constituents by speaking their own thoughts back to them. This would be like a schoolteacher agreeing you could have nap time instead of studying math. I mean what would be the consequences?

So, the truth is the Covid-spreading effects of last year's Sturgis rally weren't clear until months thereafter. So I'll wait and see the final Lollapalooza numbers, but at this point they're much better than anticipated. Yet we still have no data on indoor shows.

And listening to Doctor Radio on SiriusXM just an hour ago, an MD was remarking how well masks worked, that we saw no evidence of so many illnesses when people were wearing them.

And you can't vaccinate the under twelve set. Not yet, anyway.

But they're not the big concertgoers.

AEG and Live Nation are now leading. As is Jason Isbell. Who is insisting on vaccine requirements at every show and just canceled a gig in Texas because the venue would not comply. Even better, Isbell is doing god's work, going on Twitter and interacting with the naysayers. Then again, will it make any difference? Only if the rest of the acts have a backbone and agree to this too!

Oh, they'll sign a #MeToo or Black Lives Matter petition/advertisement and then do nothing. But when it comes to putting their own livelihoods on the line? Crickets. These acts need to be shamed.

And the way you get kids to behave is to take away their toys.

Take away people's shows. Let them kick and cry. But then they'll comply.

P.S. It's also about consumer confidence. Concertgoers, especially older ones, need to be convinced the show is safe, otherwise they won't go, irrelevant of the facts/truth. Only when they are confronted with the data everywhere will they show up. This will only happen when all gigs have vaccination requirements and safety can be evidenced and assured.

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