Nov. 11 - What keeps Jeff Bezos up at night? | P&G, Walmart's multicultural marketing drives purchase intent


Marketing Dive's Top News

Daily edition | Nov.​ 11,​ 2019


Note from the editor

The Amazon effect. Executives across industries wrestle with the phenomenon. How can businesses keep up with a giant with seemingly endless resources? Is it friend or foe? What other industries will it be entering?

At Industry Dive, our publications across the board have been covering the implications of Amazon's disruption for years. With this unique perspective, we are excited to introduce Dive Insight Report: What keeps Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos awake at night?

This in-depth analysis combines the expertise of reporters and editors from Retail Dive, Grocery Dive, Supply Chain Dive, Marketing Dive, CIO Dive and Mobile Marketer to provide a better understanding of the Amazon effect and how businesses can continue to thrive as the behemoth's influence grows.

Marketing Dive's readers will gain valuable insight into the challenges and opportunities presented by Amazon's quickly growing advertising ecosystem, the race to own consumers' voice-enabled connected experiences and how the company is disrupting a number of industries.

Marking the culmination of months of work, we hope the Dive Insight Report on Amazon is a valuable resource for business leaders as they plan for the next few years.

Have feedback? We'd love to hear from you.

Chantal Tode
Lead Editor, Marketing Dive






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