[postmanscorner] THE POSTMAN

So, T day is over. Our two youngest still live with us, so it was just us and our oldest 
daughter and her hubby and the 2 grands they came over yesterday. But the war dept and
my 2 daughters did fabulously with a feast that got no complaints from me and 
son.They did so well they needed no supervision from yours truly whatsoever!
Imagine that! Altho the war dept. did in fact, listen to one of my
suggestions. Instead of the traditional bird, she fixed  a 
 roast style smoked turkey that tasted 
wonderful.!! Served it up sortof like a breakfast steak.
You wudda thought you were eating ham
Thanks girls!
Enjoy the jokes!

A mother, accompanied by her small daughter, was in New York City. The mother was trying to 
hail a cab, when her daughter noticed several wildly dressed women who were loitering on 
a nearby street corner. ​The mother finally hailed her cab and they both climbed in, at 
which point the daughter asked her mother, "Mummy, what are all those ladies waiting for by that corner?" ​
To which the mother replied, "Those ladies are waiting for their husbands to come home from work." ​
The cabbie, upon hearing this exchange, turned to the mother and said, "Aw, C'mon lady! Tell your 
daughter the truth, for crying out loud! They're hookers!" ​
A brief period of silence followed, and the daughter then asked, 
\"Mummy, do the ladies have any children?" ​
The mother replied, "Of course, dear. Where do you think cabbies come from?" ​
Two paramedics were dispatched to check on a 92-year-old man who had become disoriented. ​
They decided to take him to the hospital for evaluation. ​
En route, with siren going, they questioned the man to determine his level of awareness. ​
Leaning close, one asked, "Sir, do you know what we're doing right now?" ​
The old man slowly looked up at him, then gazed out the ambulance window. "Oh," he replied, 
"I'd say about 50, maybe 55." ​

A guy meets a childhood pal. "What are you doing for yourself these days?" ​
"I'm a fireman," his old friend replies. ​
"Yeah? My 15-year-old kid wants to be a fireman," says the guy. ​
"Well," says his friend, "if you want some good advice, you've got to install a pole 
in your house that will go to the basement ​
so your kid can practice, because the hardest thing for a fireman is to jump off into space 
and catch that pole in the middle of the night." ​
Ten years later, the two guys happen to meet again. ​
"Well, did your son become a fireman?" ​
"No," says the guy, "but I have two daughters who are dancers." ​

The father was very proud when his son went off to college.  ​
He came to tour the school on Parents' Day and observed his son hard at work in the chemistry lab. ​
"What are you working on?" he asked.​
"A universal solvent," explained the son, " a solvent that'll dissolve anything."​
The father whistled, clearly impressed, then wondered aloud, "What'll you keep it in?" ​
​Why did the blonde take her typewriter to the doctor?
She thought it was a pregnant because it was missing a period. ​
for here or to go
a suspicion
where did you get it
goes through changes
it worked
light came on
been watching you
a T rex
don't threaten me
a pornstar told me
your side chick
I'm just gonna
Math for dummies

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