Somehow you offended the teacher, who wants you to respect them because of their twenty years of tenure, even though you're more intelligent than they are.
Or some weasel kiss-ass cried wolf and since you're the outsider, you're the one who colors outside the lines, you're at fault.
So you're marched down to the office where some grand poohbah excoriates you, doesn't want to hear your defense, just wants to sentence you to detention.
And when you emerge from the building having paid your penance, you run into the bullies on the schoolyard. There's no one there to come to your defense. And it's always the number two who is the consigliere, who warns you of the power of the number one, who stands there silently, staring at you, as you get ready to take a punch.
As for the number two... Sans the presence of number one he's a wimp, who will beg for forgiveness if confronted when alone.
So you stand there and take your punches. There's no alternative. No one can outrun these bullies, they're a crowd, immersed in groupthink, and you're the enemy, because you won't pledge fealty, you won't be on their side. You're the outcast and for that alone, they're gonna pick on you.
Somewhere along the line the term "rock star" became equivalent to money. But the money always came last, after rock stars emerged and owned their piece of the firmament. Being a rock star is not about cash, it's about being an individual who thinks for himself. Doesn't worry what others have to say. And therefore, people are drawn to him.
The rock star was never the captain of the football team. Was never Prom King. The rock star was someone who stood on the fringe, observing, refusing to play the game.
And America is about the game. You've got to get good grades to get into a good college! And you have to network to work your way up the corporate ladder! That's Jeff Bezos, all the rest of the two-dimensional wanks who've got money but no character.
And a rock star has character.
Steve Jobs was never perfect, but he didn't want to lord his power over us. He wanted to create products so good that we were drawn to them, and him.
Elon Musk needs the adulation. He bought his own social network. He thinks he alone can solve the nation's problems.
A rock star specializes in seeing the problem. Analyzing it and playing it back to us. Elon Musk can't even see himself.
Back in the heyday of the rock star it was all about personal development, insight. You wanted to learn about yourself, how you fit into the world. And if ever the press and the public got close to understanding you, you pulled back and/or obfuscated. That's Bob Dylan's specialty, he's constantly telling untruths, not to put one over on you, but to keep you guessing, and thinking.
And during Dylan's heyday he famously said not to listen to him. That he was just one person speaking his truth. That you must find your own truth. Contrast that with the tech blowhards lording it over us each and every day.
Zelensky is a rock star. He spoke truth to power. And power didn't like it.
The two bullies, Trump and Vance.
Trump has always been a bully. Who has never acceded to the infirmity or lack of status of those below them. He sees himself as a benevolent king.
As for J.D. Vance... He's that number two I was referencing in the schoolyard above. Let's see him make those statements in other circumstances, without the protection of Trump.
As for Lindsey Graham and Mike Johnson and the rest of the pussies patrolling the halls of Congress... We grew up with people like this. Sucking up to the popular and powerful. They're concerned about their status in the hierarchy, not the truth, the truth has nothing to do with it.
And the truth is this exchange was on television. And now all over the internet. So the only thing up for grabs is interpretation.
On the right there are hosannas, we've finally got a leader, respect us.
But this reminds me of high school gangs who have no power after they graduate. There's no context.
And here the context is the world.
You can live in the MAGA echo chamber, think everybody in Europe is a two bit idiot. But that is not the truth.
Trump has now told the world that you can't count on him to fulfill the nation's obligations. Isn't this what Zelensky said today about Putin not fulfilling his promises?
But liars love liars.
The more you remove yourself from the world, the less power you have, never mind lacking insight.
People don't want those damn immigrants in their neighborhood. And while you're at it, get rid of everybody not like them, the Blacks, the trans people... Like I said, it's like high school. There's a big club but you're not in it.
Everyone thought that Putin would wipe out Ukraine in a matter of days.
But that's not what happened. Because it's hard to conquer hearts and minds.
Meanwhile, America is rolling over to autocracy. If only we had a Zelensky on our side of the pond.
But Zelensky was a comic, who first and foremost knew people, relationships, and that's what the world is all about.
As for negotiation... Do you know anybody who negotiates for a living? They don't do it at all like Trump. What they're looking for is a win-win, because you always end up coming back to the table, you see the same people throughout your life.
Bully and piss off people like Trump and Vance and you may think you've won, but the rest of the negotiating public is now on notice, doesn't trust you and if it deals with you at all refuses to compromise.
The art of the deal?
The art of the SCHLEMIEL!
I'll throw Biden and Kamala and the rest of the Democratic Party under the bus while I'm at it. They were so busy looking at each other that they had no idea of the temperature of the public.
And while we're at it, let's blame Fox News and the internet, because facts are now fungible. There is really no truth. No matter what you say, if you point to the words of the Brittanica or Einstein, it doesn't matter. Because today emotions rule.
But you've got to know when to keep your emotions in check.
Yup, tell me to be thankful while you're whipping me. God, it's like a parent beating a kid while telling them they're not going to quit until the child stops crying.
If you think America won today, you're myopic.
We need more rock stars like Zelensky. They are our true leaders.
But just because you make music or have money that does not make you a rock star.
Like George Harrison sang, you must think for yourself. Own your position.
"Do what you want to do
And go where you're going to
Think for yourself
'Cause I won't be there for you"
The principal ain't going to be there for you. Nor the bullies.
And certainly not Donald Trump.
Then again, George had it right about Trump too.
"You're telling all those lies
About the good things we can have
If we close our eyes"
That's what they want us to be, sheep. Get in line, close our eyes and march in lockstep.
It ain't me babe.
And it ain't Zelensky.
As for those who are following in Trump's footsteps...
The true believers, the non-thinking people who trust their leaders always have their best interests at heart... They learn the truth last.
Russia's economy is teetering. This was the moment Ronald Reagan was waiting for. The weakness that will make the entire edifice collapse.
But Trump wants to prop it up and rescue it.
Thank god there are people like Zelensky, who channeled Daryl Hall today and said I CAN'T GO FOR THAT!
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