Re-Michael Rapino Post

People can't read.

My inbox is inundated with people who believe I suggested someone shoot Michael Rapino.

I wrote:

"Will someone shoot Michael Rapino?"

Do you see the question mark at the end?

IT'S A QUESTION! Not a suggestion.

To be a suggestion it would need to be a statement. And said statement would not end with a question mark, never does.

This is why we can't have good things. This is why our country is so divided.

Anyone who reads my post and believes I suggest that Michael Rapino be shot is delusional.

In case you missed it, Brian Thompson, CEO of United Healthcare, was gunned down last week. And CEOs are freaking out.

Concomitantly, the public is expressing its anger online about their health care coverage, or lack thereof.

I'm going to point you to Zeynep Tufecki's opinion piece in today's "New York Times":

"The Rage and Glee That Followed a C.E.O.'s Killing Should Ring All Alarms"

Free link:

Within it Tufecki says:

"Politicians offering boilerplate condolences were eviscerated. Some responses came in the form of personal testimony. I don't condone murder, many started, before describing harrowing ordeals that health insurance companies had put them through."

You see the elected officials, those with a voice, are hewing to an old construct, playing by the rules. And the public is sick of this. And this is one reason Trump won, because you had all these coastal elites telling everybody how things were and they should just live as these elites told them to.

Also, and this is mentioned in my article, the official commenters and tastemakers are out of touch with the public. Which is online and stating its truth.

I read this piece and it had me asking the question whether anyone was pissed enough to kill someone in the music business.

That's a reasonable question in my book, but leftist policies tell us to constantly play nice, not get right down to the real nitty-gritty.

And this is another reason Trump won.

Howie Klein posted online that he found Kamala Harris "inauthentic."

Nate Silver posted today that he couldn't brand Kamala Harris, couldn't come up with a quick description:

I've been saying what Klein and Silver said for months. And I've been EXCORIATED! I've got to drink the kool-aid, I've got to shut up, I'm hurting the Democrats' chances.

Hogwash. These people are out of touch, and can't see the forest for the trees.

I really wanted to let this be, I have a policy against commenting/explaining what I wrote, but the vitriol based on miscomprehension is out of hand.

If you want to unsubscribe, be my guest. But what is your point here, that I should change, conform to your constructs? This is what's wrong with America and even more the music business. Sheeple. Afraid to speak out. Or if they do, they're hucksters looking for attention with no substance underneath.

If you haven't heard people comment negatively about Rapino and Grainge's compensation, you're not in the business.

You think there are unbreakable rules. Taboos. Which is why you're not famous.

If I get one more e-mail from someone telling me how great their music is and the system is stacked against them... Talk about delusional.

And the agents all complain about the fees. But not because of the obfuscation, but because they want more of that money.

That's the music business. Conniving hustlers.

I know Michael Rapino, I can connect with him almost better than anybody in the music industry. Unlike so many, he's well-read and informed. That's how he triumphed in the first place, by reading every book in the Labatt library.

So when I'm with Rapino we can talk about subjects far outside the world of music.

I'm going to leave you with a comment from Richard Griffiths that I got in response to what I wrote.

But before I do that, I'm going to tell you that income inequality is a cancer on our society. And unaddressed, there will be unforeseen consequences.

I'm just pointing the lens at the music industry.

Go read Hitsdailydouble for information paid for by those written about.

Or "Billboard," which fills its site with drivel that is neither fish nor fowl. Is it for the business or the consumer? And analysis of subjects that no one has a need to have analyzed.

Sorry for asking the hard questions. Sorry for pointing out the resentment. Sorry for trying to be smart in a dumb industry.

This is coming off all angry... But I ain't gonna tone it down. Hate me all you want, stop reading me. Because if I'm influenced by you, if I'm afraid to offend, I'm done.

From: Richard Griffiths
Re: Michael Rapino

There's no smarter man in music business than Michael Rapino.
We've been on opposite sides our whole careers and anytime I've pushed the boat out he's found a way for us to come back to land!
If he wasn't there, there would be someone else. Not as smart.
He may be ahead of  me, but I know if we are working a deal out, we will find a solution.
And that's before I tell you my wine story!

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