The Joe Rogan Video


This is what four years of Trump has wrought. It's somebody else's fault, they're out to get you, best to double-down on your position, because first and foremost you can't be vulnerable, you can't be wrong.

This should not be the end.

I think it's great that Joe Rogan responded, in a straightforward, everyday manner. But isn't this the guy who told Aaron Rodgers to take Ivermectin? Isn't this the same guy who wasn't vaccinated and said he took a cornucopia of drugs not proven to be effective for Covid and he was cured?

Come on here.

So, he's just having a conversation.

The truth is with an audience comes a responsibility. Rogan mentions this at the end of the clip, then punts. If more people are paying attention, if you have more influence, you have a RESPONSIBILITY to get it right!

He says he's going to do more research... Well, he denied the statement of an expert re myocarditis. I mean this stuff is all recorded, it's not hearsay, but it didn't happen and if it did it was somebody else's fault and doesn't mean much anyway. Like January 6th.

Spotify is a publisher. Just imagine if the "New York Times" got something wrong, Fox and the right wing blogosphere would go INSANE! And then they'd point to this mistake to make the case that the entire paper is not to be trusted.

That's Spotify.

Does the Sulzberger family read and review every single article that's posted in the "Times"? Absolutely not. But they are responsible for hiring layers and layers of people who do. Fact-checking is out the window in too many of today's publications. Furthermore, if the "Times" gets it wrong, THEY PRINT A CORRECTION! Have you ever seen Fox do this? Only when it was SUED by a voting machine company!

I don't care if you love Joe Rogan, I don't even care if you're a Republican, that's not the point. The point is with an audience there comes a responsibility to get it RIGHT! I haven't heard Joe Rogan saying any of his anti-vax guests are wrong. He just says he'll have on an opposing viewpoint in the future. Isn't this the false equivalency that got us into this mess?

There's a way to host/cover controversial guests. You prepare, you challenge them, you just don't accept what they say. Being an uneducated nincompoop is no excuse.

Why is ignorance a virtue these days? And why is expertise denigrated? We want experts to challenge people. Not uniformed bozos.

So Joe Rogan is a man of the people...

You have no idea how dumb people are. They can't spell, and they can't understand the facts and they can't analyze. To this day people think Spotify is ripping off artists. When EVERYWHERE it's stated that the company gives approximately 70% of revenues to rights holders. Also, Spotify said that it would apply no music subscription fees to podcasts, that it would all go to music. This is public information, just use Google. But no, that's too tough, let me find a guy I like and then believe everything he says.

Which is why we rely on experts. But Trump and his minions have eviscerated the power of experts and the truth. Do experts get it wrong? YES! Just like that guy who said vaccines cause autism, he faked the numbers, his research has been completely debunked. But people pick and choose their data and don't care about the truth, and they only care about themselves. Measles were gone, but antivaxxers have brought it back. Just like with Covid.

Once again, this story is bigger than Spotify.

And it's bigger than Joe Rogan too.

There have been numerous reports how few people it takes to spread bogus information:

"Just 12 People Are Behind Most Vaccine Hoaxes On Social Media, Research Shows"

Yes, money may not trickle down, but information certainly does. AND IT HAS CONSEQUENCES!

"COVID-19 Misinformation is Ubiquitous: 78% of the Public Believes or is Unsure About At Least One False Statement, and Nearly a Third Believe At Least Four of Eight False Statements Tested"

"Most People Who Trust Network and Local Television, CNN, MSNBC and NPR on COVID-19 Believe Little or No Misinformation; Larger Shares Who Trust Newsmax, One American News, and Fox News Hold Many Misconceptions"

Yes, this is a political war, right versus left, the vaccine is just the ball. And the right is privy to more falsehoods and ultimately fewer vaccinations.

This is what we want Joe...

1. Come out and say that these misinformers re the efficacy of Covid vaccines are WRONG! That wasn't in your video. You just said they had a contrary opinion, and some contrary opinions have proven to be true. That doesn't make the opinions of the deniers right!

2. State clearly the present facts re Covid and vaccines.

3. Admit there is no mainstream research showing there is any efficacy of Ivermectin in treating Covid. People keep showing up at the hospital demanding Ivermectin and YOU'RE RESPONSIBLE!

4. Admit right up front that you know nothing about something.

5. Even better, research the subject. A late night host reads the book or watches the movie of the guest, you can do this too.

6. Put corrections at the front of each and every podcast.

7. Admit that some people have used the Covid misinformation on your show to their detriment. State the benefits of the vaccine, in numbers.

Lay the groundwork, add some context, correct the misinformation and the issue fades away. Just don't say you've got a little talk show and everybody's taking it too seriously. As a matter of fact, it's not only Neil Young who is taking it seriously, BUT YOUR LISTENERS!

Not everything is up for grabs, not everything is unsettled. All the people railing against big pharma have no problem denying climate change when proffered by politicians taking money from polluters. If the facts don't align with your viewpoint, just come up with alternative ones!

We need accountability. Otherwise people just do the same damn thing over and over again. Joe should pay a penalty, his listeners certainly have, IN SOME CASES WITH THEIR LIVES!

We cannot let the mob control our information and our media. The right wing mob says the election was stolen from Trump when absolutely no evidence of this has been uncovered, when Homeland Security said it was the most secure election EVER!

And the little guys from 1/6 go to jail and Trump pardons Bannon and Stone, allowing them to perpetrate more crimes.

As you can see, Joe Rogan's misinformation is just the tip of the iceberg.

But I'll make it simple, when you don't get vaccinated you hurt the rest of the population. Let's turn it around... There's a natural disaster? NO RELIEF! It wasn't in my area, screw you!

You can't pick and choose science. If you don't want drugs that evolved from fetal cells, you'd better not use Tylenol or Advil or Prilosec...

Like I said, you can't pick and choose your science.

And neither can Joe Rogan.

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