I used to write for marketers. Now I write for people. ✏

The latest trends & the oldest principles.
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Hey there Potty —  

In an episode of Hercule Poirot, when asked if there was anything of English cuisine he liked, he responded tartly:

"The English do not have a cuisine, my friend. They have only the food."

It's the perfect analogy for how my own writing has changed this year. From food to cuisine.

Below is an excerpt from this week's bonus content for Patreon supporters. If you'd like the full version, you can subscribe for as little as $3 a month. I hope you'll find it worth considering this holiday season.

Thanks, and I'll see you on the Internet.

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A Roman Feast by Roberto Bompiani (public domain - J. Paul Getty Museum)
The Buffet Is Closed
"Geniuses differ from ordinary men less in the character of their attention than in the nature of the objects upon which it is successively bestowed." – William James 

I was having a couple of separate conversations with colleagues this week and they both remarked on the same thing: "You've really changed your writing," they both said.

They were both referring to my newsletter, of course. The name, the topics, and even the style have undergone a transformation. And it's been intentional.

And after thinking about it, going beyond the obvious (name change, switch from link-heavy to essay-driven, more thoughtful than fly-by), I came to this realization:

I used to write for marketers.
Now I write for people.

I'm not trying to be glib; I'm just stating a fact. My writing changed because my outlook changed.

It's really a function of knowing your audience, thinking like them, and focusing on your end goal, rather than the process.

In short, it's about getting out of your bubble.

To read more about the backstory and how you can rethink your approach to your audience, just hit the button below for the full essay. 


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I am a C-suite coach/advisor and speaker. I help executives improve their messaging, communicate with more empathy, and become virtuous leaders.

I was the first executive at Ford Motor Company to lead digital communications and social media. With a knowledge of history, philosophy and literature, and an ability to trend-spot, I show teams and audiences that the key to our future is in understanding human nature while focusing on integrity and values.

If you'd like to get in touch about this newsletter or my speaking or advising services, just reply to this newsletter or email me at scott@scottmonty.com.

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1,000 words paint a picture in your ears
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