Dec. 23 - Bud Light Seltzer arrives in Seltzer, PA | Privacy bill could limit duopoly's data use


Marketing Dive's Top News

Daily edition | Dec.​ 23,​ 2019


Note from the editor

Marketing Dive will not publish its regular newsletter over the holidays. However, we've prepared two special packages focused on the top trends and news of 2019 — keep an eye on your inbox ahead of the new year.

Be sure to also catch up on our recent looks into how experiential marketing is evolving and how one LVMH brand is flipping Christmas cliches on their head. Additionally, our Super Bowl tracker has returned to keep you up to date on all of the brand moves leading up to 2020's big game.

We'll return to business as usual on Thursday, Jan. 2. We're excited for what's coming down the pike in 2020, including our team's first trip to the NRF's Big Show in January. In the meantime, have a happy holiday, and as always, thanks for reading.


Peter Adams
Reporter, Marketing Dive
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