Boris Johnson's Landslide Victory

"Lyin', cheatin', hurtin', that's all you seem to do
Your time is gonna come
Your time is gonna come"

"Your Time Is Gonna Come"
Led Zeppelin

Or maybe it's not.

Turns out the people want strongmen. Officials who promise order. They want to give up power to those who know better, because they no longer know themselves. They're afraid of self-determination while professing a desire for the same thing. Globalization has stymied them. They want a return to an era of yore, when life was understandable. Can you say MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN?

For a moment there, it looked like there was a leftward turn, like in Poland, a reaction to the far right inroads. So is Johnson's win a harbinger of things to come, or a one-off anomaly?

I'm not sure.

Then again, the Brexit vote back in 2016 was indicative of rightward leaning in left wing countries. That's how we got Trump. But one thing's for sure...NOBODY KNOWS ANYTHING! Isn't that what William Goldman said about the movie business? Now it's politics. Nobody predicted Trump would win in 2016, and then he did.

And no one predicted that Boris would have such a smashing victory.

But he did.

So maybe we need insurance, maybe we need to nominate our billionaire against their billionaire. Maybe Bloomberg needs to be the candidate. Sure, he's a bad speaker, but it appears now that Trump will not debate the Democratic candidate anyway. The left wing in America wants the semblance of order, it wants to be able to sleep at night, it is willing to sacrifice progress for order...or is it?

One thing's for sure, Scotland is not going to go quietly. Expect not only a secession movement, but there is a very good chance of exit.

Same deal with Northern Ireland. An unforgettable fire that may soon turn into a conflagration.

We live in incomprehensible times. An era where even the proprietors are clueless and achievements do not spread. Mark Zuckerberg has no idea of the power of his platforms, nor how to control them. And no one seems to know that Apple's Intelligent Tracking Prevention is a raging success, neutering targeted ads on Safari:

So is California Scotland, just with a lot more money and power? Yup, D.C. cannot diverge from the Golden State's agenda too far without an eventual rupture.

And is New York Northern Ireland?

One thing is for sure, the south is equivalent to Labour's "red wall," burgs where industry has faded and the people are out of work and frustrated. And it's not only the south, but it's the north...Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Ohio... One thing's for sure, denizens of these states have lost trust that the left, i.e. the Democrats, care about them, while they're trumpeting technological victories and flying around in private planes. Trump promised them a recovery. Forget that it hasn't happened, he's given them something to believe in, while the left has not.

And you can lie and live an unvirtuous life with no consequences anymore. Then again, the poor are drug-addicted and divorced and they don't care, they just want hope and a return of what they once had. And the Democrats fail to understand that that HOPE Obama promised them was not delivered.

One thing's for sure, the U.S. is economically screwed, especially at a moment when China is burgeoning and the European Union, sans the U.K., is a true challenge. Doubt me? Look at Airbus versus Boeing. Europe doesn't accede to the U.S. in lockstep anymore. As a matter of fact, they laugh at Trump and no longer see the U.S. as a threat, or a protector. It'd be as if Facebook asked people to pay to use the platform as it sells their information to advertisers. Trump is trying to get everybody to pitch in, on NATO, on... Not realizing it's all about dominance.

So now Trump has dominance over his own domain, i.e. the United States, at the same time minimizing the power of the country while telling citizens he's winning all the while. Talk about duplicity...

Then again, what is truth anymore?

You've got to give the Republicans credit. They've been on a multi-decade denigration campaign.

They marginalized Hillary Clinton.

They marginalized the "New York Times" and the "Washington Post" and say to believe in Rush Limbaugh and Fox News.

This is like a campaign to undermine Google results. Yup, you just cannot trust the algorithm, what comes up is biased, ignore it. And if you're smart, you'll give up the internet and just listen to the Big Boss, he knows better.

That's the situation we're in. Number one is not number one. The film business says streaming isn't movies but the public is addicted to streaming. The music business says we live in a hip-hop word, but the truth is other genres are flourishing.

It's hard to know what is going on if you're paying attention. But if you're working a minimum wage job to try and support your family, who has time to try and parse the truth, you just want someone to promise to make it better, the same people who trumpet full employment, even though they don't want your hourly wage raised so you can pay your bills.

The same people who want to decrease your health options so theoretically others can't rip the system off while the medical companies triumph all the while.

And we believe in corporations more than artists. What's the first thing an act does when it gains traction? DO ENDORSEMENTS, SPONSORSHIPS, PRIVATES! You can't believe in today's artists, if nothing else they are not rich enough. And believe me, the mighty buck triumphs in America today.

Which is why we need to match their money with our money.

Yup, we need a real billionaire to go up against Trump, the faux billionaire.

Bloomberg for now, although he is too old and lacks dynamism.

But what we need is someone the people know, who they trust.

Yup, maybe that idea of Oprah wasn't so bad.

You see Trump was built by Mark Burnett, without Mr. Survivor, Trump is a joke.

So we need Spielberg, all those Hollywood-types, to build the image of someone on the left, hopefully someone who already has traction.

And not Tom Steyer. Being a billionaire is not enough, you need someone the public likes. Even Tim Cook!

Meanwhile, Jeremy Corbyn proved that you can't be wishy-washy and you can't turn on pillars of your own constituency. Yup, Corbyn couldn't even come out for another Brexit election, he couldn't help himself from making anti-Semitic comments. That's one thing that's wrong with Biden, we don't want a return to normalcy so much as pie in the sky. Promise us a rosy future! Yes, to those who can't understand economics. Kind of like Alabama promising to rid the state of the undocumented. The public loved it, because the public was ignorant, not knowing factories and other businesses relied on this immigrant labor.

Once again, that's America. Promise a solution, don't worry about truth.

The public can't handle the truth. And people can't parse it either. They're too uneducated and ignorant to understand what's going on, as the fat cats keep saying taxes should be lowered so no one takes unfair advantage, so no one takes money out of your pocketbook. The spoils always trickle down...can you say KANSAS?

That's right, the left is educated, winners who understand but refuse to sacrifice for "those people," in this case mostly the whites hooked on drugs.

As for the right... They want you to believe you too can become a billionaire, and you want to keep the spoils, right?

This is what the internet has wrought.

This is what the peace dividend has wrought.

Putin invades a country, right after his private, pocket-lining Olympics, and...the rest of the world does nothing.

Trump breaks the law and his team cries foul, talk about living in a topsy-turvy world.

So what does the public want?

To stop thinking about it all. To complete Brexit so everybody can move on.

The public wants to stop thinking about politics.

But that does not mean people will vote in their own interests.

People believe in the fantasy, otherwise life is just too tough.

Turns out you've got to promise control and execution of that fantasy to win.

This is just the beginning.

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