The Republican Viewpoint

Pauline Kael famously said she couldn't believe Nixon won because nobody she knew voted for him.

Herein please find the viewpoint of the right. You should know this to know what you're up against. The key is to know your enemy. Too many educated elites are in a bubble and don't know what others think.

Furthermore, very few of these people interact with regular folk, except for opinion writers in newspapers, they don't get the contrary feedback. But if you're online, like me, you get it each and every time you write something even vaguely political, that's why I knew Trump had a chance in 2016. You need to read these.

Love you man, but you are missing a big point here, one you've written about many times.
Re: Biden, yes he is toast and yes, he did nothing illegal. Repeat, nothing illegal. Neither did Hunter. BUT..... it stinks. You know it. I know. The public knows it. The Chinese could invest 1.5B with best investors in the world, Sequoia, Benchmark, you name it. They were all my competitors. They are without equal. But they invested in Hunters bullshit fund to curry favor with a possible, yet unlikely, President to be.
Ditto, Clinton Foundation, Ditto Chelsea's first job at NBC. Nothing illegal, but simply our version of the Chinese Communist Party's sons and daughters, the Pricelings." who magically become multi millionaires because the Party Leaders dole out their largess to them and them alone. Hunter is our American Priceling. Nothing illegal. But very very bad judgment from Joe.
Elites in both parties do it. Dems don't have a corner on this. The public is sick of it. Lori Loughlin adios. It's all the same. We can't wait to see her in an orange jump suit.
What Hunter should do but cannot is stand up, show his investment record and say, "this is why the Chinese invested in me." But he can't. They invested in him because of his last name. Come on man, you know this.

All the best, buddy. Hope to see you sometime in LA.

Sorry about typos or autocorrect.....

John Hummer

This battle Bob is about the Constitution. Is it a Written in stone Constitution? (yes) or a Living Constitution (No Constitution at all) It's also about the wealth of the country. When you work, is it your money or not? The Conservative says it's yours, you earned it. The Democrat says, no, it's not yours. It's unfair you have it, so we're gonna force some of it from you (51% force against the 49%)
I have trouble understanding how you can vote for force against your neighbor the way you do??? I also wonder how you can believe some bureaucrat knows better than you how to allocate the wealth you produce? Lastly, you can always write a check to do all those things you believe are right. No one's stopping you from handing over 70% of what you earn ya know? You don't have to force anyone else. You do it.

Rich Case

Why can't you be fair & balanced plus deal with facts?

Or stick to why we all love you...the Arts?
Michael K. Clifford

"guilty of something"? His son received billions of dollars from foreign governments only while he was VP. There was an entire expose published by the Hill called "Biden Money" three years ago exposing his questionable finances from foreign sources. And he had a quid pro quo arrangement with Ukraine to fire the prosecutor investigating the company his son was on the board of (ON VIDEO). This is highly specific stuff and more than "guilty of something" your cribbing the Democrats when the said "some people did something" on 9/11

Russ Motta

So, Bob, you think that impeachment - or whatever the Hell Pelosi is doing without a formal vote of the House - is about a straight nullification of the 2016 election. No "high crime or misdemeanor", no problem. We won the House so we can Impeach.

It is difficult to fathom how dumb this view is.

But at least you are passionate about it and that has to count for something.

Trump is going to win so big his big old orange head will explode.


Jay Currie

Trump 2020
Haley 2024
The Nation will be back on track.

Clarence Jay

Lefty sore loser of 2016. If Dems thought they'd win 2020 they wouldn't try to impeach the President of the USA now and let the election play out.

James Davis

If Eric Trump went on Air Force One with Donald and came back with a Board seat on some company in Korea you would have a fit.

But Bidens done nothing wrong

Balrama Balrama

Trump landslide 2020. The Democrats are a mess. I was one for 30 years. Never again. Thanks

Thomas Ryan

ask yourself one simple question:
if it was don trump jr with the same $$$ deal as hunter biden
if he had traveled to ukraine and russia on air force one with his father to secure these deals...
would the LEFT have their hair on fire?

Ira Transport

Change the narrative to "Democrat" and you can write the same story. Except the majority of all types of media are onboard with them, not just a few sites. smh,..

Craig Nickman

"And at least Warren said that nobody likes their health insurance company. A truism we all know."

Another truism we all know: whatever the government does, it will always do it worse than the private sector.

Steve Hurlburt

If you stopped right here, you'd finally be correct, Watch news from something other than what you watch,,,
You're not getting the whole story. You never do. You just don't.

John Warden

The United States is a REPUBLIC, not a democracy.

The two political parties are the Republicans and the Democrats.

The REPUBLICAN party and the DEMOCRAT party.

NOT the "Democratic" party.

Bob Askey

Bob, you blame 'politics' but really your party betrayed you and the rest of America a long time ago. Wake up!

Ax Hayssen

Everything you say is probably true.

However, it must be acknowledged that everywhere that the democrats have total control, California, Chicago, NYC. etc. all have major, major problems the rest of the country does not have.

I live in LA, as you do, we don't need to go into these issues.

People in the rest of the country see these problems and say "Hell no, I don't want the democrats in charge".

They have a point.


Thaddeus Graham

Thanks for the always.

I'm voting (again) for Trump in 2020 because his administration is making progress in many areas, despite the stalling in Congress. This administration is serving "us" while doing what we asked (before we knew how bad it really was)..."clean up the government."

And when both sides realize that once the stink on the Hill is at least under some control, perhaps both sides can actually work together again.

It's so simple, yet seems impossible today...both sides have ideas worthy of consideration. However, you can't hear another's story or idea when all you do is receive and vomit the morning talking points, created by a group of out-of-touch, greedy, narcissistic, and sophomaniac fucks.

While I'd like to say "we are the government and via the elections, we employ those to serve us and the country," I cannot with a straight face. However, this administration is as close to what the Founding Fathers had in mind. Perhaps after a few drinks, but close.

I have to remind myself that those on either side are not all geniuses. Hardly any in fact! And for those who are, that doesn't qualify them to not represent who got them to the dance. Nor does it provide in any way, shape or form, a right to be an outright, disrespectful, idiot that in the real world would fail or be ostrasized. Or at the very least, made to spend his/her career as CNN's White House reporter...along side the current genius.

Thanks again Bob. I hope this article goes viral.

Bill in Indy

When the Democratic party starts respecting our constitution, which has laws we agreed to, then people will take the party more seriously.
Taxes - the dems have consistently raised taxes, with little regard to budgets.

It's embarrassing to watch Pelosi talk about ANYTHING other than taking care of her district, that 'elected' her; yet she has failed them.
Homeless people crapping on public streets, in front of businesses, and she is going to talk about problems". Does she just drive past that
and pretend it doesn't exist? She'll proudly fight for illegal immigration, yet ignore her own people? And that is really the microcosm of
the problem. When Obama was in office, it just fine to stand up to our immigration laws, but when it comes from big bad Trump, it's racist?

The democratic party's double standard and proof of lack of actual progress is starting to catch up with them. People are getting tired of excuses and nice speeches with little progress. Democrats are more focused on finding ANYTHING to impeach Trump, that they are unfocused on doing the job they were "elected" to do; which is serve the people. In fact, if they are such a stand-up group of people, why are they not for term-limits?

While both parties are lacking efficiency and focus; the democratic party is so far out there, that they really are disconnected from America.
They don't even realize that many of the speeches they give are speaking to the wrong group of people. Just look at Illinois, where the democratic
taxes are driving people out of the state to move out. Or Chicago, a democratic controlled city that is a war zone. There is even a analytical website built on the daily crime in Chicago:

But the dems want to tell you it's all about gun control. Never mind judicial responsibility and accountability. Neverminf addressing mental health. Never mind standing up for the police. Never mind the HUGE debt. They want to spend $500 million on a Obama library and focus on great drawings. Never mind focusing on REAL problems. It's kind of like Hollywood, the rich and famous drive past the highest level of homeless people on the streets, then arrive the award show to posture themselves and their egos; and then say 'we need more equality'!! Really???? And then they blame Trump for that?

The word is seeing thru the bullshit. See the ratings? See who won the presidency? How's the ratings for CNN doing? See the attendance at Trump rally's? I don's recall a single democratic candidate say "America first"; I hear it from Trump all the time. And as much of a jackass of the mouth/twitter he is, I can see many positive things he has accomplished. Think about all the time and money we (the tax payers of costs they spend) have lost for investigations, hearings, trials, speeches, interviews, stories and social media/media on things that are UNFOCUSED at our needs.

I will not be surprised to see Trump win again in 2020. And I would say it's more because of the behavior of the democratic party than the positive accomplishments Trump achieves. If I was a democratic candidate, I wouldn't even bring Trump into my pitch to gain votes. I would focus on solutions to AMERICAN problems. The debates next year will be the best drama TV the world has ever seen. I bet ratings will be higher than the Super Bowl.

Richard Hofherr

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