[PostmansCorner] Hello from the Postman

Well, to give you a little up date ,,,
me and the war department have spent the
last couple days of our road trip with friends
of ours in Joliet. They have an indoor swimming pool
and hot tub. so we have been taking advantage
of their generousity. However, before we went in
the water, she made me buy these brand new swim trunks.

I dunno what was wrong with the old ones.
They seemed perfectly ok to me.
Go figger.

I think our next stop will be in Iowa where we will
spend some time with relatives.
Will drop you a note when ever internet access allows
CU all later!

Martin aka the postman.


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[PostmansCorner] Hello

Just letting you know, I am on editor's break
at the moment, in case you had not noticed. I
commonly do this at the end of the month. This
time, it will be just a few days longer as the
"war department" took a couple days off as well.
So we are gonna take a little good old fashioned
American road trip. If I find wi fi along the
way and feel like getting out the ole lap top,
I'll write an issue or two. if not, well, I'll
see you sometime! Later!
Martin aka the postman


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[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner




"The truth is rarely pure and never simple."
Oscar Wilde

I apologize for missing an issue yesterday,
I was out volunteering. I believe in devoting
my energies to worthy programs that will further
this great nation and its citizens. For myself, I
find that I have to have something meaningful to spend
my volunteer time. And, since I DEFINITELY believe in helping
wimmin to learn how to defend themselves, I decided to spend my
time volunteering at the local gun club. We are giving wimmin free
hand gun safety/target practice to help them learn how to defend themselves
from rapists and murderers. With violent crime on the uprise, I think
its a very worthwile cause to be involved with. Well, I would write
more on this new hobby of mine, but its my turn to pick up the
"spent brass" off the floor of the firing line.
Talk to you later.

We do hope you enjoy today's issue
Martin aka the postman



I never realized

beer bust


the capitol



the magician

drinking beer

A man was having problems with premature ejaculation
so he decided to go to the doctor. He asked the doctor
what he could do to cure his problem. In response, t
he doctor said, "When you feel like you are getting
ready to ejaculate, try startling yourself."
That same day the man went to the store and bought himself
a starter pistol. All excited to try this suggestion, he ran
home to his wife. At home, he found his wife was in bed,
naked and waiting. As the two began, they found themselves
in the celebrated 69 position. The man, moments later, felt
the sudden urge to ejaculate and fired the starter pistol.
The next day, the man went back to the doctor. The doctor asked,
"How did it go?"
The man answered, "Not that well. When I fired the pistol,
my wife shit on my face, bit 3 inches off my dick, and my neighbor
came out of the closet with his hands in the air."

Old man Bailey woke up in the middle of the night and found, to
his utter astonishment, that his pecker was as hard as a rock for
the first time in two years.
He shook his wife by the shoulder until she woke up and pointed
to his enormous boner.
"You see that thing, woman?" he happily exclaimed. "What do you
think we ought to do with it?"
With one eye open, his wife replied, "Well, now that you've got
all the wrinkles out, this might be a good time to wash it."

A man and his wife were talking and he says, "You know, I was
thinking of going down to the bar tonight and entering that big-dick contest."
"Oh honey," she exclaims, "I don't want you taking that out in public!"
"But sweet thing," he says, "the prize is $100!"
"I don't care," she says, "I don't want you showing that thing to everybody."
So he lets the subject drop until the following night when his wife
walks in on him in the bedroom, counting out a hundred dollars.
"Did you go down and enter that big-dick contest last night after I told you not to?"
"Please forgive me, sweetheart," he says.
"You mean you took that thing out for everybody to see?" she says, tears welling up in her eyes.
The man looks at her fondly and says, "Only enough to win."

Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman


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If  someone is  talking behind your back they
are in a good position to  KISS YOUR ASS!!!
~Bev   MacNeil~



Be sure to get your taxes done today, if you have not
already done so. This is your last chance without filing
for an extension. Altho for us USA citizens the normal due
date is April 15th. This year is different. Tax day cannot
fall on a Sunday, or a holiday.
The extra break was granted because April 15 is a
Sunday this year, and Monday is Emancipation Day, a
holiday in Washington D.C. celebrating the freeing of
slaves in the district. Under the tax code, filing deadlines
can't fall on Saturdays, Sundays or holidays. So, 2 extra
days for you! Ain't the IRS grand?

By the way...
When a doctor falls ill,
another doctor doctors the doctor.
Does the doctor doctoring the doctor
doctor the doctor in his own way, or does
the doctor doctoring the doctor doctor
the doctor in the doctored
doctor's way?

SO confused,

We do hope you enjoy today's issue
Martin aka the postman



I know doctor

C'mon guys

very proud

public display

after my divorce


David Copperfield - America's Got Talent - Don't Believe Your Eyes

My Name is America by Todd Allen Herendeen- The Official Patriotic Anthem-Super!


Two men were having coffee, when one of them said: "Last night, my son
just walked into the living room and said, `Dad, cancel my allowance
immediately, rent my room out, throw all my clothes out of the window,
take my TV, stereo, iPhone, iPod, and my laptop. Please give my jewelry
to the Salvation Army or Goodwill. Then sell my car. Take my front  door
key away from me and throw me out of the house. Then disown me and never
talk to me again. And don't forget to write me out of your will and
leave my share to my brother.'"
The other man said: "Wow, he really said that?"
"Well, he didn't put it quite that way. He actually said ...
`Dad, I've decided to work for Obama's re-election campaign.'"

Tiger turns to Stevie Wonder and says, "How's the singing career going?"
Stevie replies, "Not too bad. How's the golf?"
Woods replies, "Not too bad, I've had some problems
with my swing, but I think I've got that right, now."
Stevie: "I always find that when my swing goes wrong,
I need  to stop playing for a while and not think about it.
Then, the next time I play, it seems to be all right."
Incredulous, Tiger says,  "You play GOLF?"
Stevie: "Yes, I've been playing for years."
Tiger: "But -- you're blind! How can you play golf if you can't see?"
Stevie: "Well, I get my caddy to stand in the middle of the fairway and call to me.
I listen for the sound of his voice and play the ball towards him.
Then, when I get to where the ball lands, the caddy moves to the
green or farther down the fairway and again I play the ball towards his voice."
"But, how do you putt" asks Tiger.
"Well", says Stevie, "I get my caddy to lean down in front of the
hole and call to me with his head on the ground and I just play the ball towards his voice."
Tiger: "What's your handicap?"
Stevie: "Well, actually -- I'm a scratch golfer."
Woods, incredulous, says to Stevie, "We've got to play a round sometime."
Stevie: "Well, people don't take me seriously, so I only play for money,
and never play for less than $10,000 a hole. Is that a problem?"
Woods thinks about it and says, "I can afford that; OK, I'm game for that..
$10,000 a hole is fine with me. When would you like to play?"
Stevie: "Pick a night."

An Irishman goes into the confessional box after years of being away
 from the Church. He is amazed to find a fully equipped bar with
Guinness on tap. On the other wall is a dazzling array of the finest
cigars and chocolates in the world.
When the priest comes in, the Irishman excitedly begins..."Father,
forgive me, for it's been a very long time since I've been to
confession, but I must first admit that the confessional box is much
more inviting than it used to be."
The priest replies,
"Get out. You're on my side."

One night at the dinner table, the wife commented, "When we were
first married, you took the small piece of steak and gave me the
larger. Now you take the large one and leave me the smaller.
You don't love me any more?"
"Nonsense, darling," replied the husband, "you just cook better now."

A 50-something year old Muslim man arrived at his seat on a crowded
flight and immediately didn't want the seat. The seat was next
to an elderly white woman reading her Bible.
Disgusted, the Muslim man immediately summoned the flight attendant
and demanded a new seat. The man said "I cannot sit here next to
this infidel." The flight attendant said "Let me see if I can find another seat."
After checking, the flight attendant returned and stated "There are
no more seats in economy, but I will check with the captain and
see if there is something in first class."
About 10 minutes went by and the flight attendant returned and
stated "The captain has confirmed that there are no more seats in
economy, but there is one in first class. It is our company policy
to never move a person from economy to first class, but being that
it would be some sort of scandal to force a person to sit next to
an UNPLEASANT person, the captain agreed to make the switch to first class."
Before the irate Muslim man could say anything, the attendant
gestured to the elderly woman and said, "Therefore ma'am, if you
would so kindly retrieve your personal items, we would like to
move you to the comfort of first class as the captain doesn't
want you to sit next to an unpleasant person."
Passengers in the seats nearby began to applaud while some gave a standing ovation.

Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman





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The reason there are so few female politicians is that it is too much
trouble to put makeup on two faces.  ~Maureen Murphy


With all the hubbub surrounding the Trayvon Martin
case, I finally heard someone say something that made sense:

Bill Cosby, the latest in a string of celebrities asked to publicly
weigh in on the Trayvon Martin case, said the biggest issue in the
17-year-old's killing at the hands of 28-year-old neighborhood watchman
George Zimmerman is not race--it's guns.
"I believe that when you tell me that you're going to protect the neighborhood
that I live in, I don't want you to have a gun," Cosby, 74, said in an interview
with CNN's "State of the Union" broadcast on Sunday. "I want you to be
able to see something, report it, and get out of the way, because you happen
to be a part of the neighborhood.
I don't want you to get hurt. And I don't want you to hurt anyone."

While I believe in the right to keep and bear arms, I also believe there
is no place in our nation and community for vigilantism. Some times it just
takes a guy like Bill to put things in perspective.

We do hope you enjoy today's issue
Martin aka the postman


The comics

Jow'a hot spot

what's happened

whatever talk





spicy hot

Michigan's latest tourism ad....

A guy walks into his bedroom with a sheep under his arm; his wife is
lying in bed reading.
The guy says, "This is the pig I have sex with whenever you have a
The wife replies, "I think you'll find, that is a sheep."
The guy says, "I think YOU'LL find I was talking to the sheep!"

The chairman of the board of our company called me into his
office to tell me the good news: I was being promoted to
Vice President o Corporate Research and Planning. Of course,
I was excited, but that didn't stop me from asking for my new
title to be changed to ViceP resident of Corporate Planning and Research.
"Why?" asked the chairman?
"Because," I said, "our organization uses abbreviated job titles,
and I don't want be known as VP of CRAP."

Ramona said, "My, but you look different today," to Marianne,
a coworker at the hospital. "Your hair is extra curly, and you
have this wide-eyed look. What did you use - special curlers and some dramatic eye makeup?"
"No!" replied Marianne. "My vibrator shorted out this morning."

Thoughts On Aging

- The aging process could be slowed down if it had to work its way through Congress.

- You're getting old when you're sitting in a rocker and you can't get it started.

- You're getting old when you wake up with that morning-after feeling, and you didn't do anything the night before.

- The cardiologist's diet: if it tastes good, spit it out.

- Doctor to patient: I have good news and bad news: the good news is that you are not a hypochondriac.

- It's hard to be nostalgic when you can't remember anything.

- You know you're getting old when you stop buying green bananas.

- Last Will and Testament: Being of sound mind, I spent all my money.

Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman





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Don't be afraid your life will end;
be afraid that it will never begin.
-- Grace Hansen


Well, inspite of popular opinion or desire,
here I am again, and I did not die. There were
those moments in the last 24 hours in which I may
have wished so. But alas, I pulled through with this god
awful coughing and cold. The war department attempted to get
me to the doctor: ya, right. The first available appmnt was in a week
and a half. Wonderful. But to make a rather boring story short,
I have started to improve a bit and not so bad as it was. My thanks
to all who wrote in expressing their concerns and prayers for me. Oh, and
by the way? it is true. A touch of J daniels mixed in with a good
splash of honey does just as well for a cough as any cough
syrup you can buy over the counter.

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman



last night

long shaft


on facebook



whats that noise?


The banker saw his old friend Tom, an eighty year-old
rancher in town. Tom had lost his wife a year or so before
and rumor had it that he was marrying a "mail order" bride.
Being a good friend, the banker asked Tom if the rumor was true.
Tom assured him that it was. The banker then asked Tom the
age of his new bride to be.. Tom proudly said,
"She'll be twenty-one in November."
Now the banker, being the wise man that he was, could see
that the sexual appetite of a young woman could not be satisfied
by an eighty-year-old man. Wanting his old friend's remaining
years to be happy the banker tactfully suggested that Tom should
consider getting a hired hand to help him out on the ranch,
knowing nature would take its own course. Tom thought this
was a good idea and said he would look for one that afternoon.
About four months later, the banker ran into Tom in town again.
"How's the new wife?" asked the banker.
Tom proudly said, "Oh, she's pregnant."
The banker, happy that his sage advice had worked out,
continued, "And how's the hired hand?"
Without hesitating, Tom said, "She's pregnant, too."

An Irishman walks into a bar and asks for two beers. He
then pulls a small green-skinned man out of his pocket and
puts him on the counter. As he's drinking one drink and the
green man is drinking the other, an Englishman down the bar
who has had a few too many drinks says "Hey, what's that
little green thing down there?" The green man runs down the
bar gives the Englishman a raspberry, SPLBLBLBLT! right in the
face and runs back to the Irishman. The Englishman mops himself
off and says to the Irishman, "Hey, what is that thing, anyway?"
The Irishman replies, "Have some respect. He's a leprechaun."
"Oh, all right." the Englishman says sullenly. They all go back to drinking beer.
An hour or so later, the Englishman is really plastered. "Boy,
that leprechaun sure is an ugly little b*stard!" he says. The
leprechaun runs down the bar and gives the Englishman a
raspberry again- SPLBLBLBLBT! This time the Englishman is really
mad! "Tell that leprechaun that if he does that again I'll cut his dick off!" he shouts.
"You can't do that" says the Irishman. "Leprechauns don't have those."
"How do they pee, then?" asks the bewildered Englishman.
"They don't," says the Irishman. "They go SPLBLBLBLBT."


Have a nice day!
Martin aka the postman










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"If my life is of no value to my friends,
then it is of no value to me."
Joseph Smith

A few days ago, I developed an
absolutely hellacious sore
throat. That can be pretty
dangerous for you if you have emphasyma
like me. It does not take much more to develope
into respiratory pneumonia, which could be deadly.
for yours truly. But then, when it turned into a
real bad cold and chest cough, I thought I was fortunate,
taking it to mean that I'm getting better, right? Well, be-
cause I have high blood pressure, you can't buy just any over the
counter remedy, and most of that sort of thing is expensive. Then, you
ever try to wear a cpap mask when you have snot dripping from your nose
every thirty seconds? Besides which, I'm coughing so loudly
I am surprised the neighbors have not filed a noise comp-
plaint. Needless to say, the war department and my
son and daughter are avoiding me like the plague.
Just shove my dinner plate under the door hon, no worries.
And I find myself wishing that I would just curl
up in a corner and die, or wondering why I
haven't! So, you see? Comfort yourself by
realizing there is somebody out there who
is having a worse day than you are!
We hope you are having a better
day than me!
TRUST ME  s' truth!

Martin aka the postman



wedding gift


girls vs guys

on fire

the odds



Red Skelton - Old Time Radio - Telephones

don rickles on the dean martin show

I was chatting to this girl in the pub last night & telling her of my
uncanny ability to be able to tell the day any woman was born by
holding their breasts in my hands.
She thought I was putting her on but was curious none the less.
Eventually curiosity got the better of her & she said go on then
give it a go! .
I stood there feeling her breasts for about a minute before she
could contain herself no longer & asked " When was I born then?
I replied "Yesterday" .

Lawyer: What was the first thing your husband said to you when he woke
that morning?
Witness: He said, "Where am I, Cathy?"
Lawyer: And why did that upset you?
Witness: My name is Susan.

Lawyer: Did you blow your horn or anything?
Witness: After the accident?
Lawyer: Before the accident.
Witness: Sure, I played for ten years. I even went to school for it.

Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman




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I detest that man who hides one thing in the
depths of his heart, and speaks for another.
Homer, The Iliad

Why Worry?
There are only two things in life to worry about:
Whether you are well
or whether you are sick.
If you are well,
then there is nothing to worry about.
But if you are sick,
there are only two things to worry about:
Whether you are going to get well
or whether you are going to die.
If you get well,
then there is nothing to worry about.
But if you die,
there are only two things to worry about:
Whether you are going to go to heaven
or whether you are going to go to hell.
If you go to heaven,
then you have nothing to worry about.
But if you go to hell,
you'll be so busy shaking hands with all your friends,
that you won't have time to worry!
So, Why Worry? Be Happy

We do hope you enjoy today's issue
Martin aka the postman


hi daddy

any history

if you look

through his mouth

have you seen the new Titanic movie?



gay airlines

I'm surprised she sank

There were three babies in a woman's stomach, and they
were discussing what they would like to be when birthed and grown up.
The first one said "I wanna be a plumber."
The others laughed at this, and asked "why a plumber?"
He replied, "so I can fix the pipes in here, its kinda leaky."
The second one said "I wanna be an electrician."
The others laughed at this and asked "why an electrician?"
He replied, "so I can get some lights in here, its dark!"
The third one said "I wanna be a boxer."
The others thought this was hilarious, and laughed for a
full 5 minutes, before asking, "why in God's name do you want to be a boxer?"
He replied, "so I can beat the hell out of that bald guy
who keeps coming in here and spitting on us!"

She's A Keeper If You Hear Woman Say . . .

I've been complaining a lot lately. I don't blame you for ignoring me.
I know I'm sore and my parents are in the other room, I still want you right now!
This porno scene is boring, fast forward to the gang bang.
Don't get up, I kinda like sleeping in the wet spot.
Don't dirty up your T-shirt wiping that up, use my blouse.
That was fun, when will all of your friends be over to watch pornos again?
I bet it would be kinky to watch you with our baby- sitter Tracy.
You're my daddy! You're my daddy!
The new girl in my office is a stripper. I invited her over for dinner on Frida

A Girl Scout troop leader suddenly came upon a clearing where a young
couple was engaged in oral sex. "Back ladies, back" cried the leader!
"There's a very dangerous beast out there!"
But it was too late, as several of her girls had more-or-less seen the
deed happening. They asked their leader what it was the couple was doing.
"Well, err, if you must know, uh, they were practicing
a brand new form of artificial respiration.
Yeah, that's it, its artificial respiration!"
"WOW!" exclaimed the oldest of the group.
"I know which merit badge I'm gonna try for next!"

We do hope you enjoy today's issue
Martin aka the postman





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Understand that a self-centered attitude is the source of all
suffering, and concern for others is the source of
all happiness and goodness

"I have just three things to teach:
simplicity, patience, compassion.
These three are your greatest treasures.
Simple in actions and in thoughts,
you return to the source of being.
Patient with both friends and enemies,
you accord with the way things are.
Compassionate toward yourself,
you reconcile all beings in the world."


We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman



men vs women see...

great news


got milk?

recession style


the blond and the library


A man was laying on the beach. The wind came up
and blew sand all over him until he was covered with only his big
toe sticking out.
An old nympho was walking down the beach, saw the toe sticking
up, pulled down her bikini bottom and squatted over the toe. She
humped away till she was satisfied, pulled up her drawers and
The guy woke up, brushed the sand away and left, not knowing what
happened. The next day his foot itched like hell, and had a sore
on it. He went to the Dr. and after an exam the doc told him he
had syphilis of the big toe.
"Syphilis of the big toe?", he inquired, "isn't that rare."
The doc said "You think that's rare, I had a woman in here this
morning with athlete's pussy."

The teacher was asking all the kids in the class what
their parents did for a living. Mary got up and said,
"My Dad is a pilot, and my Mommy is an architect."
"Great," said the teacher.  Michael got up and said,
"My Dad is a Doctor, and my Mom is a housewife." "Good,"
said the teacher. Johnny was last in the class and when he
got up he said: "My Mommy, she is a substitute." Knowing
better about his background and always striving to correct
the kids, the teacher said, "You mean she is a prostitute."
"No," Said Johnny, "my Sister, she is the prostitute,
but when she does not feel well, my Mommy substitutes."


Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman


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I would like to share an experience with you all, about
drinking and driving. As you well know, some of us have been
known to have had rare brushes with the authorities on our
way home from the odd social session over the years.
A couple of nights ago, I was out for a few drinks with some
friends and had a few too many beers and some rather nice red wine.
Knowing full well I may have been slightly over the limit,
I did something I've never done before .... I took a bus home.
Sure enough I passed a roadblock but as it was a bus they waved it past.
I arrived home safely without incident, which was a real surprise,
as I have never driven a bus before and am not sure where I got it from!
If you know of anybody missing a bus please let me know so I
can arrange to return it.

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman


several more years

don't worry about it

the elevator flasher

omg !!!!

a free hand


Cell Phones In Church

a hot barbershop

Little Johnny was at the mall with his mother when a
man came walking toward them. Little Johnny hopped up
and down, laughed, pointed, and screamed, "Mommy! Look
at that bowlegged man!" His mother was so embarrassed.
"John, your manners are atrocious! You need some
culture, young man!" For the next month Little Johnny
was forced to read Shakespeare every night.
When his detention was finally over, she again took
him to the same mall and sure enough, the same bowlegged
man came walking toward them. Had Little Johnny
learned anything from the great bard?
Yes. This time, as the man approached, Little Johnny cried out,
"Hark! What manner of man is this me sees, who wears his balls in parentheses?"

An old man walks into the barbershop for a shave and a haircut,
but he tells the barber he can't get all his whiskers off because his cheeks are wrinkled from age.
The barber gets a little wooden ball from a cup on the shelf and tells him
to put it inside his cheek to spread out the skin.
When he's finished, the old man tells the barber that was the cleanest shave he's had in years.
But he wanted to know what would have happened if he had swallowed that little ball.
The barber replied, "Just bring it back in a couple of days like everyone else does".

Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman









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[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner



Sometimes, hope is what makes us smile.
Other times, a smile is what can bring us hope


sorry, not much to say today! better to say nothing than babble!



my doc says

good news

non conformity

absolutely right

the 19th hole


the baby


Little Johnny is sitting in class one day, and the
teacher is going to go over agricultural stuff, like
farms, and what not. So she asks the class how does a
farmer tell the weather on his farm, nobody seems to know,
cept of course, little Johnny, who's frantically waving
his hand with the answer, so she decides to let him try
to answer the question. So little Johnny says: the farmer
uses a weather vane to tell the weather!" ok, that wasn't
so bad, so the teacher then asks the class what kind of animal
is the weather vane? again no one but little Johnny seems
to know the answer. Reluctantly she lets him answer.
Little Johnny sez with a big ol smile on his face:
"why teacher, it's a cock!", well the teacher sighs to
herself well after all it is. So next the teacher asks the class: "
can anyone tell me why does the farmer use a cock on the
barn as a weather vane?" Of course, the same dumb blank look
on all of the kids faces, cept of course, for little Johnny,
again she reluctantly allows him to answer the question,
knowing she's probably not gonna like the way he phrases it.
Little Johnny stands up in front of the whole class and sez
with a really big grin on his face: "Its a cock, cuz as
everyone knows if it were a cunt, the fuckin wind would
just blew right thru it!"

A   retired couple was discussing aspects of their future.
"What will you do if   I die before you do?" the husband asked his bride.
After some thought,   she said that she'd probably look for
a house-sharing situation with three   other single or widowed
women who might be a little younger than herself,   since she
is so active for her age. Then she asked him, "What will
you do if I   die first? He replied, "Probably the same   thing.

Storming into his lawyer's office, a Texas oil tycoon
demanded that divorce proceeding begin at one against is young wife.
"What's the problem?"
"I want to hit that adulteress bitch for breach of contract," snapped the magnate.
"I don't know if that'll fly," replied the lawyer.
"I mean, your wife isn't a piece of property, you do not own her."
"Damn right," the tycoon rejoined "but I sure as hell expect exclusive drilling rights!"

That's all folks!
Have a nice day
Martin aka the postman










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[buffalos-adult-chips] Buffalos Chips Chips For 4-9-12


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Hello all. I have been feeling a little better each day, as changes in
medications improve my health and Physical Therapy is improving
my back and getting my muscles a little more flexible. I have even
improved my general looks a little bit by removing the 8 inches of
hair or so that had grown since last summer which no matter how
much conditioner I used would quickly turn stringy and all hang
off one side. It looked like a combover done by someone of diminished
mental capacity and that isn't a reference to Donald Trump.

Physical therapy gets a little complicated for scheduling as Eva, Buffy,
and I are all going to therapy but Buffy and I are in for 45 minutes for
our backs and Eva is there for a half hour for speech therapy. Hospital
rules don't permit minors to run loose so I go in first and then Eva and
Buffy go in as I am coming out. Friday when we went, Eva and Buffy
were headed in as I came out and I watched TV and waited for Eva to
get done. About 30 minutes later the tech brought Eva out and she
playing with a group of kids her age crawling under the benches and
running around in circles. About ten minutes later another tech came out
and took Eva back inside. It was a bit curious but not strange and after
minutes the first tech brought her back out. The other girl had thought
that there was no one out there to watch Eva because she didn't
me with my haircut. That was when I realized how bad my hair must
have looked if she couldn't recognize a 330 lb. buffalo with a white

Enjoy the chips... buffalo


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Message Chips

Dear Noah,
We could have sworn you said the ark wasn't leaving till 5.
Sincerely, Unicorns
Dear Twilight fans,
Please realize that because vampires are dead and have no blood pumping
through them, they can never have an erection. Enjoy fantasizing about
Sincerely, Logic
Dear Icebergs,
Sorry to hear about the global warming. Karma's a bitch.
Sincerely, The Titanic
Dear America ,
You produced Miley Cyrus. Bieber is your punishment.
Sincerely, Canada
Dear Yahoo,
I've never heard anyone say, "I don't know, let's Yahoo! it..." Just
Sincerely, Google
Dear 2010,
So I hear the best rapper is white and the president is black? WTF
Dear girls who have been dumped,
There are plenty of fish in the sea... Just kidding! They're all dead.
Sincerely, BP
Dear Skin-Colored Band Aids,
Please make one for every skin color.
Sincerely, Black people

Dear Scissors,
I feel your pain.....no one wants to run with me either.
Sincerely, Sarah Palin
Dear Customers,
Yes, we ARE making fun of you in Vietnamese.
Sincerely, Nail Salon Ladies
Dear Ugly People,
You're welcome.
Sincerely, Alcohol
Dear World,
Please stop freaking out about 2012. Our calendars ended there because
some Spanish douche bags invaded our country and we got a little busy
Sincerely, The Mayans
Dear White People,
Don't you just hate immigrants?
Sincerely, Native Americans
Dear iPhone,
Please stop spell checking all of my rude words into nice words. You
piece of shut.
Sincerely, Every iPhone User
Dear Trash,
At least you get picked up....
Sincerely, The Girls of Jersey Shore
Dear Man,
It's cute, but can you pick up peanuts with it?
Sincerely, Elephant

J Brooks


hope you don't mind

man and dog

a little box


Gun Chips

On the news this week was a story about a southern California man put
under 72-hour psychiatric observation when it was found he owned 100
guns and allegedly had (by rough estimate) 1-million rounds of
ammunition stored in his home. The house also featured a secret escape

My favorite quote from the dimwit television reporter: "Wow! He
has about a million machine gun bullets." The headline referred to it as
a "massive weapons cache".

By southern California standards someone even owning 100,000
rounds would be called "mentally unstable."

Just imagine if he lived elsewhere:

In Arizona he'd be called "an avid gun collector".

In Arkansas , he'd be called "a novice gun collector".

In Utah , he'd be called "moderately well prepared", but they'd
probably reserve judgment until they made sure that he had a
corresponding quantity of stored food.

In Montana , he'd be called "The neighborhood 'Go-To' guy".

In Idaho , he'd be called "a likely gubernatorial candidate".

In Wyoming , he'd be called "an eligible bachelor".

And, in Texas , he'd be called, "my huntin' buddy".




Swen Chips

One day, while fishing under the I-94 bridge in West Central
Gustov made a confession.

"Ve all been friends for tirty year and been tru a lot. I never told
before cause I didn't Vanna ruin our friendship, but I'm gay."

Ole looked over at Sven and said, "We kinda figured dat out a vhile
but vasn't gonna say nutting cause ve din't vanna embarrass you".

Gustov thanked them for their understanding and continued, "Da reason
tellin' ya dis is cause I got AIDS and I got only six munts to liv.
da only family I got and I vant ya to promise me dat ya vont let dem
me. I'm scared of dem caskets. I vanna be cremated.

Den, I vant ya to trow my ashes from dat bridge into dis river vhere
spent so much time together." Ole and Sven wiped back a few tears,
agreed to do what their friend as asked.

By Golly, six munts later Gustov up and died. They were standin' on
bridge with the ashes. Ole was about to trow them out when Sven stop
Vait, you gotta say sumting," he says.

"I don't know vhat to say. I never waz much bout goin' to church" Ole

Sven, he scratch his head, "Just say somting....anyting, Make it

Ole, he tought about it a while and started trowing the ashes out over
river and said, "Ashes to ashes, Dus to dus, If you liked vomen, You'd
here wit us."



Dark Chips

A housewife takes a lover during the day, while her husband is at
Unbeknownst to her, her 9 year old son was hiding in the closet. Her
husband came home unexpectedly, so she hid her lover in the closet.
boy now has company.
Boy: "Dark in here."

Man: "Yes it is."

Boy: "I have a baseball."

Man: "That's nice."

Boy: "Want to buy it?"

Man: "No, thanks."

Boy: "My dad's outside."

Man: "OK, how much?"

Boy: "$250."

A few weeks later it happens again that the boy and the mom's lover
in the closet together.

Boy: "Dark in here."

Man: "Yes, it is."

Boy: "I have a baseball glove."

Man: "How much?"

Boy: "$750."

Man: "Fine."

The following weekend, the father says to the boy, "Grab your glove.

Let's go outside and toss the baseball." The boy says, "I can't. I

The father asks, "How much did you sell them for?" The son says,

The father says, "That's terrible to overcharge your friends like
That is way more than those two things cost. I'm going to take you to
church and make you confess."

They go to church and the father alerts the priest, and makes the
boy sit in the confession booth and closes the door.

The boy says, "Dark in here."

The priest says, "Don't start that shit again".



poetry Chips

I'll tell you a short poem; I'll try to make it quick.
You might think it quite harmless; You might well find it sick.
The subject is quite simple: The joy of having a dick.

Penises are super things; You ladies should be jealous.
Ever since the early days, When it was small and hairless;
I've looked upon that bit of flesh, As something very precious.

It starts to grow dramatically, When you're about thirteen.
Your testicles on either side; Your willy in between.
When erect it's quite a sight; A purple love machine.

It dangles neatly down below; Obedient and loyal.
Its seeds are hidden well within; Awaiting some fresh soil.
At the slightest hint of lust, It's ready to uncoil.

It has a mind all of its own; It's like a wild beast.
It squirms and writhes and stretches out; When you expect it least.
You can't control its energy; You must wait 'til it's ceased.

Handle it with love and care; For it can give great pleasure.
Has it grown since last weekend? And when did you last measure?
Still, no matter what its length; It's something you should treasure.

Sometimes, yes, it misbehaves; Erecting when it shouldn't.
A bumpy train ride sets it off; Just when you wish it wouldn't.
Did that lady notice it? You blush and hope she couldn't.

Some people fret about its size; They give it lots of thought.
Is seven inches long enough? It makes blokes quite distraught.
They peek across in public loose, And try not to get caught.

Masturbating is a sin; That's what some folk believe.
But those are just old wives' tales; Outdated and naive.
And if you're feeling tense or stressed, A quick wank does relieve.

Without this fabulous device, No shag would be complete.
Lesbians will try their best; But must admit defeat.
And what a handy tool it is, When one needs to excrete.

The penis is quite marvelous; It has so many uses.
For women it is special too; Excitement it induces.
And babies can be procreated, From its sperm-filled juices.

And always it remains with you; Until you're old and frail.
Don't take it out in public though, Or you'll be thrown in jail.
Just look at it and feel proud; And thank the lord you're male.



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Riddle Chips

One day two drunks are sitting in a bar drinking. One drunk notices a
saying, "Lady in the back."

Being curious, they called the bartender over and asked what it
meant. The
bartender says, "Well, there is a lady in the back that will satisfy
your requests for only $20.00 and the answer to a riddle."

One of the drunks, thinking how cheap and easy it should be, gives the
bartender a twenty and heads for the back.

Laying on the bed is a beautiful and voluptuous red head. The drunk
"I paid my twenty so what is the riddle?"

The red head says, "If my pussy was to sail out to sea, how would you
bring my pussy back to me?"

The drunk thinks for a minute and then answers, "I don't know. How'd
damn cat get out there?"

The red head laughs and says, "Go on, you didn't answer the riddle."

The drunk, pissed off and embarrassed, sits down by his buddy. The
is anxiously waiting to hear what happened and asks, "Well, how good

Feeling very embarrassed, the drunk answers, " I couldn't answer this
riddle about some f****** cat."

So the second drunk says, "Well, this I've got to try." He calls the
bartender over and throws him a twenty while heading for the back

There lies the beautiful and voluptuous red head, all spread out and
smiling. She proceeds to say, "If my pussy was to sail out to sea, how
would you bring my pussy back to me?"

The second drunk answers, "Well, I don't know. Don't you think the
cat is dead by now?"

She laughs and says, "Go on, you didn't answer the riddle."

Now the drunks are pissed, frustrated, and out forty dollars. While
complaining to the bartender, in walks this huge sailor with his
bag. He walks up to the bartender, throws a twenty down and
says, "Where
is the room?" The bartender stands back and just points the way for

The sailor opens the door and says, "Okay, let's hear it."

The voluptuous red head, with eyes open wide, sits up and says, "If my
pussy was to sail out to sea, how would you bring my pussy back to

The sailor, taking his duffle bag and throwing it on the floor says:

"Well, with this bag I'll make a boat,
And with my balls, I'll make it float.
With my dick, I'll make and oar,
And row your pussy back to shore."


Toon Chips



GF Chips

During sex my girlfriend suffers from temporary paralysis from the waist
down. Whenever I put my penis there' she never feels a thing. So I
decided we should go to a doctor. Reluctantly my girlfriend agreed, and
came along with me.

The doctor asked her, "Do you know if this runs in the family?"

My girlfriend replied, "I don't think so. It never happens when I'm
with his brothers or his friends."



Parting Chips

Teacher: If I gave you 2 cats and another 2 cats and another
2, how many will you have?

Johnny: Seven, Sir.

Teacher: No, listen carefully. If I gave you 2 cats, and
another 2 cats and another 2, how many will you have?

Johnny: Seven

Teacher: Let me put it to you differently. If I gave you 2
apples, and another 2 apples and another 2, how many will you have?

Johnny: Six.

Teacher: Good. Now if I gave you 2 cats, and another 2 cats
and another 2,
how many will you have?

Johnny: Seven!!!

An angry Teacher: Where in the hell do you get seven from ?

Very angry Johnny: Because I've already got a fucking cat at

Don G



Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn

Vol 2143

Susan Can Ill Afford

(another story..alas I had to change Ginger to Val.sniff sniff)

Meanwhile at the Dog-House

Ring ring ring

Sandi: Hello

BJ: Sandi, this is an emergency. Susan is feeling ill.

Sandi: Egads, we will take care of it. Click!

Sirens wail...

Sandi on the megaphone: Katie, Rudy, Ginger we are needed at

daddy's work, Susan is in trouble. She is ill.

Rudy: Oh good I get to operate.

Katie comes out in a doctor's frock. I think we will do xrays and then

put her down.

Sandi: Slow down, we do not know what is wrong yet. I will warm up

the ambulance.

They rush out to the ambulance...sirens wail and in a little bit.

Rudy pushes Ginger in a wheelchair as Sandi and Katie carry a stretcher

into American Fidelity.

Rudy: Clear the way! Emergency!

Phil: What is this?

Rudy: Out of the way buster! Slug!


Sandi: To the elevators!!

Susan is quietly working in her cubicle when she hears a distubance.

Crash, bam, Ka-pow!

Katie: Here she is! Follow me!

Susan: Hi guys!

Rudy: She is in shock. Put her in the stretcher.

Katie: Give her a doggie bone to settle her down.

Val: Poor thing....do you think she will have to be put down?

Rudy: We will do what we can.

Sandi: Here put this flea and tick collar on her. Next give her this


Susan: Ack!

Rudy: She is looking better already. Give me my water bowl. She

might be thirsty. A can of alpo next please.

Katie: What is the problem Susan?

Susan: I feel crappy.

Rudy: She needs to poo. Take her outside on a leash.

Susan: No, no, not that kind of poo.

Val: There are other kinds of poo?

Susan: It is a term that means, not feeling well.

Katie: Oh, yes, well go home, sleep and call us in the morning.

Fifty dollars please.

Susan: But but but.

Katie: Cash, check or credit card?

The Herd


Adult Adult Adult

Remember 9/11/01

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In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783


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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant


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