[PostmansCorner] The Postman's Corner


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where the world goes for its daily dose of humor!
(made in the USA)

THIS EZINE IS FREE TO ALL WHO ASK FOR IT adult humor. wanna subscribe? send a blank email to:
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I don't give a rip:)
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NESTLE's put a fun, new, flavorful twist on the traditional Crunch Bar
and it's making the masses say, 'YUM!'. What can be tastier than
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So, the new year is here. The shouting and the hollerin is done.
You thinking today about some New Year's resolutions?
Let me offer you this quote...
Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough and more.
It can turn a meal into a feast,
a house into a home,
or a stranger into a friend
Melody Beattie
Maybe instead of wishing for what we didn't have,
or wishing we were something we were not,
perhaps it is simply better to make a different resolution:
that we be content and grateful for what life has given us.
Just my two cents.
Hope you have a great new year!

We do hope you enjoy today's issue!
Martin aka the postman!

Indulge your sweet tooth without the worry!
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Mirror, mirror on the wall,
Should I really shave my balls?
If I don't, she'll surely bitch,
Does she care how much I'll itch?
Take the razor and lather up,
(Gawd that bitch is so corrupt)
Don't she care that I could slip?
Shave my balls - and cut off my dick?
Easy now - hands don't shake,
She'll call me "Stumpy" with one mistake.
Pubes in her teeth she really can't bear,
If I want some head - get ridda the hair.
So I shave my balls all nice and slick,
Did it up nice - without one nick!
"Feel 'em baby - they're so smooth!"
"Take off your clothes - get in the groove!"
She looks at me from our little bed,
"I'm sleepy, Baby - ain't givin' no head!"
She rolls on over - and gives me her back,
I'm so pissed off - I'm about to crack!
Next day it's breakfast in the sheets,
I spoon her bites which she gladly eats.
And I must confess I think it's fair,
That her omelet was made with pubic hair!
A new employee was invited to the boss's house for dinner, as a way
of welcoming him into the company. After they had eaten a large meal,
the new employee leaned sideways on his chair and let a huge fart
at the dinner table. The boss, with a look of disgust, turned to the
man and said, "How dare you fart in front of my wife?!"
The guy replied, "Sorry I didn't realize it was her turn!"
An old and favored servant of two maiden ladies had been frequently 
reprimanded by them for his free behavior with the female servants. 
Caught one day in 'flagrante delicto,' he was summoned to their 
presence, and while the girl was sacked, he was told that if he did 
not do better and turn over a new leaf, much as they valued him--his 
next escapade would be his last. He promised amendment and matters 
went on very well for a time. One evening, he was not to be found 
when wanted, and, on a search being made, was discovered in the beer 
cellar, buggering the page boy. "How now," he was asked, "is this 
your amendment? You promised to turn over a new leaf." "So I have" 
said he, "only I have begun at the 'bottom of the page!'"
At the brothel, the man made a joke about each potential bed mate in 
turn until one slapped him in the face. "I'd like her," he said to 
the Madam. "What on Earth was that all about?" she asked. "Well, it's 
the only piece of advice my father gave me. He said, `Screw 'em if 
they can't take a joke.'"
Did you hear about the prostitute who was into bondage?
She was strapped for cash.
Add "Come early on your first day" to that list of career advice that 
doesn't apply in the porn business.
Guy: "Let's wait 'til June to get married. It won't be long until 
June." Girl Friend: "How much longer will it be then?"
What do you call a prostitute with her hand in her panties?
Self employed.
Arriving home unexpectedly early from a business trip, the tired 
executive was shocked to discover his wife in bed with his next-door 
neighbor. "Since you are in bed with my wife," the furious man 
shouted, "I'm going over and sleep with yours!" "Go right ahead," was 
the reply. "The rest will do you good."
Condom Alternative
Guy To Guy

Have a nice day!
Martin aka the postman!

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Funzine - Adult Cartoons for January 3, 2008

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Funzine - Adult Cartoons for January 2, 2008

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Funzines - Video Fun for January 3, 2008

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Funzines - Video Fun for January 2, 2008

Video Fun 
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Funzines - Video Fun for January 1, 2008

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March 26 - Twix ditches left-right divide | Walmart builds Minecraft gaming experience

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