Discovering the masterpiece right in front of you

In this week's newsletter: paying attention, a slew of book recommendations, and more...

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A newsletter from the desk of Austin Kleon

Hey y'all,

San Francisco: Tickets to my talk at Litquake are going fast!

Here are 10 things I thought were worth sharing this week: 

  1. Discovering the masterpiece right in front of you.
  2. This week I fell in love with Edward Gorey's The West Wing, a creepy wordless story collected in Amphigorey. I also read a galley of Jerry Saltz's How To Be An Artist and Malaka Gharib's I Was Their American Dream. And I've been completely sucked into Van Gogh: The Life. (In Range, David Epstein called it "one of the best books I have ever read in any genre.")
  3. There are so many talented people with books out or coming soon that I don't really know what to do other than list them here and add them to my stack: Eleanor Davis, The Hard Tomorrow; Kevin Huizenga, The River at Night; Tillie Walden, Are You Listening?; Ryan Holiday, Stillness is the Key; Liana Finck, Excuse Me; Josh Gondelman, Nice Try; Manjula & Orin Martin, Fruit Trees for Every Garden; Don Hertzfeldt, The End of the World;  Erika Hall, Just Enough Research (2nd Edition); David Heatley, Qualification; and, last but not least,  Chase Jarvis, Creative Calling. And everybody I missed. Phew! 
  4. Twyla Tharp and DJ Shadow on how to get ideas by digging and scratching.
  5. One of the best things I read this week: "The Lesson of Grace in Teaching," which led me, of all things, to post one of my (unedited) diary entries online.
  6. Recommended: Making block prints with the kids. (Make some spooky skeletons!)
  7. How to download your Tumblr and your Twitter archive. (I backed up mine this week.)
  8. How to recession-proof your creative practice.
  9. RIP musician Kim Shattuck.
  10. Your assignment this week: Please notice when you are happy.
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My books
Austin Kleon

Austin Kleon is the author of Steal Like An Artist and other books.

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