The Herman Cain Award

Send this to anyone resisting vaccination.

We've learned from Olivia Rodrigo's photo-op with Joe Biden that musicians have no power over the populace anymore. That's what happens when you whore yourself out, you lose credibility. Furthermore, those in the know know that information now flows from the bottom up, that it's the people who have the power, more than traditional institutions. This has been going on for years, yet the mainstream media refuse to recognize this. Sure, bitch all you want about Tucker Carlson and Rachel Maddow, but they have a fraction of the reach of the nobodies on social media, spreading the word.

And one of the places they spread it is on Reddit.

Reddit is completely ignored by the mainstream, it's almost like it doesn't exist, even though it's referred to as "The Front Door of the Internet." You need to download the app on your phone right now, to catch up. That's right, if you're still posting family photos on Facebook you're ten years out of date. If you're bragging on Instagram you're even worse than the musicians, at least they have some fame, they've done something worth touting. As for Snap...can we stop saying what a big impact it has? It's about as powerful as Second Life...remember that? Of course not! Wall Street tracks the profitability of Evan Spiegel's backwater site but the truth is if you're not mass on the internet, you're minor. And it's nearly impossible to grow from minor to major. On the internet you grow, and if you stumble, you're done. Heard anybody talk about Clubhouse recently? Now that it's on Android with no exclusivity people aren't talking about the site, it was a fad. But everybody reporting in the news doesn't realize most of what happens on the internet is evanescent, very little has staying power.

So what Reddit is is the bulletin boards of yesteryear, from the 1990s, updated to now. It's like Craigslist if it morphed instead of stayed static. Got to give credit to the "New York Times," Craigslist and the internet stole the advertising from its printed product so it offered a digital product and now has many more subscribers, it's now got 7.9 million, most paying for the digital product, which is far cheaper than the print one. How is it the "Times," backward in so many ways, is hip to digital disruption yet the movie business is still fighting for overpriced exhibition in physical theatres and retro rockers keep complaining that people should pay more for music when the truth is if their music wasn't available for all to listen to on streaming services...almost no one would be listening whatsoever.

So, Reddit is not narrow. It's a cornucopia of threads. And if one catches fire, you hear about it. Meanwhile, you should search for one in your area of interest, get involved. I don't mean you've got to post, but take the temperature of the world out there, you might learn something, something too many in their foxholes do not.

Yes, the above Reddit thread, gaining stream in all media as I write this, is a compendium of the posts of anti-vaxxers who then get Covid and die. It would be hysterical if it weren't so sad. They're railing against masks and shots and beating up on those who fall for the government's "lies" and happens to them, they get infected and pass away.

And death is immutable, that's the one thing you can't lie about, that we all agree on, when you're gone you're gone. There's no coming back from the dark side. And the truth is almost nobody wants to die. They say they're unafraid of death and then it knocks on their door and they kick and scream and beg and pray but nothing stops the Grim Reaper.

And it doesn't only happen with Covid. Those who smoke, those who refuse to go to the doctor, those who test limits in extreme sports, they're all happy until they're not.

So, stop arguing with the anti-vaxxers, just send them the above link. And the amazing thing is unlike so much online, the thread never dies, there's always another nincompoop anti-vaxxer passing away. Because that's how bad Covid is. Oh, they express all the tropes. It's just like the flu, it's harmless, everybody recovers, the shots don't work, and then they're on life support and die. Man, we need a 24/7 loop of this stuff on television. Streaming outlets, if you want to support the cause put a video link of this on your site. And you know the cable systems can afford to broadcast the carnage, the parade of idiots marching to their death.

That's another thing that turned the public against Vietnam, the images. Same deal with Afghanistan, if people had to read about the exit, there would be no furor, but seeing the pictures...

These wackadoodles post anti-vax stuff to high heaven, and then the joke is on them.

The joke is on all the unvaxxed, they're playing Russian Roulette with their lives, they think they're immune, but no one here gets out alive, the coronavirus is looking for you, 24/7, it's in your neighborhood, you can't see it but it never sleeps, it needs hosts. You believe in vampires, why can't you believe in the deleterious effects of Covid-19? Read this Reddit thread and you will.

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