[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For 10-31-11


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

We do have a few good holidays to celebrate or
recognize this month like Veteran's Day, Marine
Corps Birthday, and of course Thanksgiving but
if you are looking for something to fill the spaces
in between here's a few: Don't forget we have an
extra hour of bar time on the morning of the 6th.

Bizarre Holidays in November

November 1 is Plan Your Epitaph Day

November 2 is National Deviled Egg Day

November 3 is Sandwich Day and Housewife's Day

November 4 is Waiting For The Barbarians Day

November 5 is Gunpowder Day

November 6 is saxophone Day and Marooned Without A Compass Day

November 7 is National Bittersweet Chocolate With Almonds Day

November 8 is Dunce Day

November 9 is Chaos Never Dies Day

November 10 is Forget-Me-Not Day

November 11 is Air Day

November 12 is National Pizza With The Works Except Anchovies Day

November 13 is National Indian Pudding Day

November 14 is Operation Room Nurse Day

November 15 is National Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day

November 16 is Button Day

November 17 is Take A Hike Day

November 18 is Occult Day

November 19 is Have A Bad Day Day

November 20 is Absurdity Day

November 21 is World Hello Day and False Confessions Day

November 22 is Start Your Own Country Day

November 23 is National Cashew Day

November 24 is Use Even If Seal Is Broken Day

November 25 is National Parfait Day

November 26 is Shopping Reminder Day

November 27 is Pins And Needles Day

November 28 is Make Your Own Head Day

November 29 is Square Dance Day

November 30 is Stay At Home Because You're Well Day


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"I am always amazed that the group has always been able
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"First off I want to say you people are AWESOME. I don't know how
you find all this music, but when someone asks, you must wave your
magic wand and there it is."

"I have found this group to have a great base of music....being an
"Internet DJ", I have found them to provide me with some great
and rare music. When asked they will help...in general this is a
great group and you would be in music heaven if you joined."



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Halloween Chips

Q: Why don't witches wear panties?
A: So that they can get a good grip on the broom.

Q: What do you get when you take the circumference of your
jack-o-lantern and divide it by its diameter?
A: Pumpkin Pi

Q: What are a vampire's favourite snacks?
A: Adam's apples and nectarines.

Q: What is a zombie's favourite dessert?
A: Ladyfingers.

Q: Why do ghosts write in Latin?
A: It's a dead language.

Q: Why didn't the skeleton cross the road?
A: Because he didn't have any guts.

Q: What kind of car does a ghost drive?
A: A Boo-ick.

Q: What do ghosts enjoy for lunch?
A: Boologna sandwiches, peanutbooter cookies & a salad with boocheese

Q: What kind of dog does Dracula have?
A: A Bloodhound!

Q: Where did they put Dracula when he was arrested?
A: In a red bloodcell!

Q: What does Frankenstein serve for dessert?
A: I Scream.

Q: What is Beethoven doing in his coffin right now?
A: Decomposing.

Q: What is Dracula's favorite holiday?
A: Fangsgiving!

Q: What do you give a vampire with a cold?
A: Coffin Drops!

Q: Why did the vampire quit the baseball team?
A: They would only let him be BAT boy!

Q: What kind of streets do zombies like the best?
A: Dead ends...

Q: How do you fix a jack-o-lantern?
A: With a pumpkin patch.

Q: What did the little monster have in his rock collection?
A: Tombstones.

Tom R.

Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait


All 4 One

Mouse Pad

Bill's Bypass


Short Chips

Why do people say 'Grow a pair of balls?' Balls are highly sensitive and
If you want to get tough, grow a vagina. Those things can take real


The Bride smiled sweetly at the Maid of Honor when they both
overheard the Groom say to the Best Man, "Look, I'm positive she's
a virgin. In fact, if you care to bet, I'll give you 20 to 1 odds."

When they were alone though, the Bride shouted, "How could you do
such a thing? We're only just married & already you're throwing
money away."


A difficult independent 75-year-old woman liked
sitting by the park feeding the pigeons.

One day she brought with her a whole loaf of fresh
bread just to feed her daily company. Little by little,
pinch by pinch, she fed each pigeon with joy. She sat
there without being noticed by anyone in the rich
suburban neighborhood.

Then suddenly a man in his early 40's rained on her
parade by telling her that she shouldn't throw away
good food on a bunch of pigeons that can find food
anywhere when there are a lot of people starving in Africa.

She replied in crazed anger and without hesitation,
"I know, but, I can't throw that far!"

The boss called one of his employees into his office and screamed at
"You're fired!"

Looking puzzled, the employee said, "But, why sir? I work eight hours
sleep eight hours, just like everyone else."

"Unfortunately, " the boss bellowed, "in your case, it's the same eight

Tom R.


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Discover how your child can end Adhd Naturally, Safely and Without Adhd
Drugs ... Your child can become happier and successful at school and



Cool Chips

You know you've lost your "cool" status when...

- You daughter says she got pierced and you look at her ears.

- The pattern on your shorts and couch match.

- You fondly remember your powder blue leisure suit.

- Your wife buys a flannel nighty and you find that sexy.

- You call the police on a noisy party next door instead of grabbing
beer and joining them.

- You turn down free tickets to a rock concert because you have to
work the next day.

- Grass is something that you cut, not cultivate.

- Jogging is something you do to your memory.

- "Rocking all night" means dozing off in your rocking chair.

- Getting a little action means your prune juice is working.

- All the cars behind you turn on their headlights.

- You bought your first car for the same price you paid for your
son's new running shoes.


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Short Chips

I recently saw a condom machine in a toilet, which had a "Tested to
British Safety Standards" sign on it.

Underneath someone had scrawled: "So was the Titanic."

This guy goes to a whorehouse and says to the Madam, "I want to get
The Madam tells him to go up to room #12 and knock on the door.
The guy walks up to the door, knocks on it, and says, "I really want
to get screwed, bad!"
A very sexy voice replies "Just slide $20 under the door."
So the man slides the $20 under the door and waits...
Nothing Happens! He knocks on the door again, and yells out "I want
to get screwed!"
The sexy voice behind the door answers, "Again?"

The blonde co-ed danced excitedly into her room clapping and
chanting, "I won! I won! That guy is so stupid!"

Her room mate asked "What on Earth are you going on about?"

"Well," the blonde explained, "I just met this really stupid guy who
bet me a dollar that if I touched my toes he could screw me without
my feeling a thing, and I won!"


Focus Pocus - 100 Ways to Help Your Child Pay Attention
One hundred practical techniques from parents and teachers that help
children pay attention and focus - whether or not they have Adhd. Great
for home or classroom.



Little Johnny Chips

Little Johnny had a first date lined up with a woman he had been
after for quite a while. When she finally consented to go out with
him, he wanted to plan the most romantic evening he could.

He picked her up at her apartment, and then drove out to the beach.
Little Johnny had prepared very carefully for this date and brought
out a blanket for them to sit upon the sand and a bottle of the
finest wine. The moonlight was shining down on them and Little
Johnny poured his date some wine. He handed her the glass, looked
lovingly in to her eyes and said, "Now this is what I call romantic.
The waves crashing on the shore, the moonlight in your eyes, a warm
tropical breeze, a bottle of wine.....," he takes a sip of wine and
says, "Oh and by the way...do you Spit or Swallow?


How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook Guide
This unique book doesnt just tell you what to say -- it says it for you!
Fill-in-the-blank templates show parents how to create a storybook with
family photos and history to simplify this tough conversation. With
therapist advice. Professionally endorsed.



LynnLynn's Links

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e-mail to LynnLynns-links-subscribe@Yahoogroups.com

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The Sleep Metaphor


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Surfin Surfari

Halloween Mini-Golf

Nuclear Reactors

City Silhouettes

Extreme Pumpkin Art!

Weird Rainy Days!


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Tech Talk ( Computers and Web-tv)

IM Tutes

Halloween Art Show

Microsoft Technologies for Java


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Animal World

Doggie Zone

Kitty Korner


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Movie Links

Wild Crashes

Wireless Headset

Women Fights Robber

Women President

Women Hitchhikers

Workers Bra

Worse Than Locking Keys In Car

Worst Seats


Wrong Ball

Wrong Gift

Hama Rat


Baby Chips

There were three gals who were getting married and all met at the
marriage counselor's office to discuss the options of having or not
having a baby right away.

There were two city gals and one farm gal.

The counselor asked them if they planned on having a baby right away
or were going to wait awhile. They all agreed that they had
this with their potential husbands and all agreed to wait awhile.

Well the counselor asked the first gal what type of birth control
planned to use. Her answer was, the rhythm method. That will work
the counselor if you keep a good record.

He asked the second gal what system she planned on using. I plan on
using birth control pills she said. Again he said, yes that will
as long as you don't forget to take them.

He then asked the farm girl what system she was planning on using.
answer was The pail and saucer method. After a short delay, he again
told her that should also work.

He asked them all to come back in one year on a specific date for a
follow up on how things were going.

They all met again one year later and the two city gals were

Only the farm gal was slim and trim yet.

Well the counselor asked the first gal what method she used and what
went wrong. She replied that she used the rhythm method but somehow
her notes mixed up and, well here I am, going to have a baby.

He asked the second city gal what method she used and she replied,
birth control pill but we were camping one weekend and I didn't have
pills with me and as you can see, I too am going to have a baby.

He turns to the farm gal and told her that I vaguely remember you
going to use the pail and saucer method. Now I must admit that I
have a clue what the pail and saucer method is. Will you explain it
me as I see it has worked well for you.

She replied, Well we make love standing up, and since I am quite a
taller than my husband, he stands on a pail turned upside down. Now
we are making love, I watch his eyes, and when his eyes get as big
saucers, I kick the pail out from under him!!


Toon Chips

We are Fucked



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Limerick Chips

I once met a beautiful Persian
A shy one who needed coercion
So I gave her a smile
And she thought for a while
Then allowed me to make an insertion.

There was a young spaceman from Venus
Who had a prodigious penis
Cried his girlfriend alas
It just came out my ass
And there's still 15 inches between us.

There once was a girl called Heather
Whose fanny was lined with leather
She attracted the boys
By making a noise
Flapping the edges together!!
<Snagged by>


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Parting Chips

A fight broke out between a couple redneck locals and a lone
biker at closing time in the local watering hole. After easily
laying out the drunken hillbillies, the biker heard someone
behind him! So he swung around and landed a devastating kick
to the groin, realizing too late that it was only the barmaid
picking up empty glasses.

When the case went to court, the judge asked, "Are you the
woman alleging she was kicked in the altercation?"

To which, she answered, "I ain't never had no alteration!
These is all my 'riginal parts."
Tom R.


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Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 2014

Halloween Continued

BJ: Diana which outfit should I wear this year?
The 75 year old Elvis one, the Alien, the Grim
Reaper? Which one do you like?

Diana: I liked the Grim Reaper where you put
the name tag of IRS on the front.

BJ: I could change the name tag to: I am from
the government and I am here to help.

Diana: A bit long don't you think.

BJ: What is your costume going to be?

Rudy: Yeah Toots, tell us.

Diana: I thought maybe I would be a aged Tinkerbell.

Katie: Kool mother, I could make you some silver wings.

Val: I could do blue hair.

Sandi: I wonder if they have walkers for flying things?

Rudy: Maybe they would be made out of Helium. Yeah
Helium walkers for the aged fairies.

To be continued.


Adult Adult


Remember 9/11/01

Regarding any problems unsubscribing from this mailing list

In accordance with the 2004 Can-Spam act you can contact me at:

William Brabant
711 Pine Street Apt.1
Sault Ste Marie Michigan 49783

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant

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Funzines - Clean Cartoons for October 31, 2011

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Funzines - Video Fun for November 2, 2011

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Funzines - Video Fun for November 1, 2011





Ok, if you like what I do and have a bit of change laying around, please give a thought to donating, please.

I am saving for some shoes….my mocs are a wreck….Thank you.



Thank you to the most recent donors:






For Fun and Games:






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Check this out...........I have gotten some good stuff here.




Thank you,


Funzine - Adult Cartoons for November 1, 2011




Let’s Laugh………..or giggle!


Ok, if you like what I do and have a bit of change laying around, please give a thought to donating, please.

I am saving for some shoes….my mocs are a wreck….Thank you.



Thank you to the most recent donors:






For Fun and Games:






Do you buy things online?

Do you know that most things ships for free?



Check this out...........I have gotten some good stuff here.




Thank you,


Funzines - Video Fun for October 31, 2011

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Funzine - Adult Cartoons for October 31, 2011

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[buffalos-adult-chips] Chips For 10-28-11


Adult Adult

Welcome to Buffalosjokes and Thank You for joining us. My
name is Buffalo and I have the watch.

Eva left for school today painted up as a clown in her clown costume
which was sent to her by a friend in Calif. They will be having a
Halloween party this morning with treats and then parading through the
other Kindergarten classes. I am glad to see they haven't taken this
part of my childhood away from this generation. The little parties on
Holidays through the year were always a welcome break from class
and a chance to taste the other mom's cupcakes and cookies that
they sent in for treats. My cousin's dad worked at a dairy and one
year we got ice cream treats for the class to have on my birthday.
Treats were more acceptable back then because prior to 1970
fast food wasn't all that available in small towns and the cafeterias
in schools actually prepared each dish that day from scratch. We
knew the cooks because they were friends mom's and aside from
working from a menu the meals were prepared the same as they
did for their families. There were no steam kettles in the school
kitchens, which I consider one of the worse cooking tools ever
invented as they turn a batch of goulash from a collection of
distinct tastes and textures to a mush that could be eaten by toddlers
with a single taste that was only reminiscent of the ingredients.
There was a warehouse out back with a reefer that stored chicken,
beef and pork that was from the USDA food programs and as
good as any you bought from a store and case after case of
canned goods and bags of flower and sugar. With good food you
could afford to have a few goodies.

Eva has a separate costume of Tigger that is of a blanket material
that she will be wearing for the downtown trick or treating and
Halloween as you can can put a couple of layers of clothing
underneath it. The high today is supposed to be 45 and we
had several inches of pea sized hail on the ground yesterday.

I want to thank all of you for your patience, well-wishes and advice
over the past month. I do read your letters and Google some of the
info to bounce off the doctors when I see them. I have learned that
most of my aches and pains are common and caused by old age.
If 60 is the new 40, why do I feel like I am 80 heh heh ?

Enjoy the chips and your weekend, the sore but still in good spirits,

Shirley's RessyPees
Be sure to try out Miz Shirley's
She is a powerful good cook
and shes sharin notes...
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other's company. We offer nonjudgmental support, help and advice where
we can share laughter and tears, appreciate each other for who we are
and just take pleasure in our time together. We post freebies, poetry
stories, jokes, graphics and whatever else strikes our fancies and we
have some pretty interesting conversations too.
We come from all walks of life and several generations!
Please join us and let's be friends!


Jeannettes Adult Playground
Hi come and have some fun with us!!
We share hunks, babes. adult cartoons.
Also have question of the day.
You must share in the group as you are the life line of the group.
See ya in the playground!!
Please read before you join the group.
We are a adult group that likes to have fun.
Yes we even talk in the group.
Please no lurking in the group.
We will share adult cartoons jokes tags hunks and babes.
Please come and Join!!
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Short Chips

My wife caught a Peeping Tom last night, and she'd have killed him
if we hadn't stopped her."

"He must have made her very angry, peeking at her, huh?"

"No, that's not what made her the maddest."

"It's not?"

"No, she got mad when he reached in the window and closed the

Two Swedish housemaids are having their pictures taken.

The first one asks, "Why is he lookin' at us like that?"

The second replies, "He's got to focus."

"Oh no," says the first one, "you tell him he has to take the
picture first."

A man is telling his friend about his escapades and says, "I feel so
bad -- I've been cheating on my wife."

"How many times?" asked the friend? "I mean, if this is your first
time, surely you can beg for forgiveness."

"How should I know?" he replied. "I'm not an accountant, I'm a


Toon Chips For Those Who Can't Wait


Arab Chips

Ahkmed the Arab came to the United States from the Middle East and
he was only here a few months when he became ill.

He went to doctor after doctor but none of them could help him.
Finally, he went to an Arab doctor who said:

'Take dees bocket, go into de odder room, poop in de bocket, pee pee
on de poop, and den put your head down over de bocket ahn breathe
in de fumes for ten minutes.

'Ahkmed took the bucket, went into the other room, pooped in the
bucket, peed on the poop, and bent over and breathed in the fumes
for ten minutes.

Coming back to the doctor, he said, 'It worked. I feel terrific!

What was wrong with me?'

The doctor said, 'You were homesick.


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Lettuce Chips

A man walked into the produce section of his local supermarket and
asked to buy a half head of lettuce. The boy working in that department
told him
That they only sold whole heads of lettuce. The man was insistent that
the boy ask his manager about the matter.

Walking into the back room, the boy said to the manager, "Some ass-hole
wants to buy a half head of lettuce." As he finished his sentence, he
Turned to find the man standing right behind him, so he added, "And
this gentleman kindly offered to buy the other half."

The manager approved the deal and the man went on his way. Later the
manager said to the boy, "I was impressed with the way you got yourself
out of
That situation earlier. We like people who think on their feet here.
Where are you from, son?"

" Texas , sir." the boy replied.

"Well, why did you leave Texas ?" the manager asked.

The boy said, "Sir, there's nothing but whores and football players

"Really?" said the manager "My wife is from Texas .."

"Get outta here!" the boy said. "Who'd she play for?"

Bob P.


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Best Selling Guide since 2005! Natural and Safe Maternity Acupressure
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from Labor Pains.



Slogan Chips

Whore House Slogans

1. More Fuck for your Buck!

2. More Honey for your Money!

3. More Gash for your Cash!

4. More Hole for your Pole!

5. More Head for your Bread!

6. More Booty for your Looty!

7. More Strange for your Change!

8. She'll Wear a Collar for a Dollar!

9. Will suck for a buck!

10.We'll Tally Whack Your Ban !


Focus Pocus - 100 Ways to Help Your Child Pay Attention
One hundred practical techniques from parents and teachers that help
children pay attention and focus - whether or not they have Adhd. Great
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Little Johnny Chips

At school Little Johnny was told by a classmate that most adults are
hiding at least one dark secret, and that this makes it very easy to
blackmail them by saying, "I know the whole truth."

Little Johnny decides to go home and try it out. He goes home, and
as he is greeted by his mother he says, "I know the whole truth."
His mother quickly hands him $20 and says, "Just don't tell your

Quite pleased, the boy waits for his father to get home from work,
and greets him with, "I know the whole truth." The father promptly
hands him $40 and says, "Please don't say a word to your mother."

Very pleased, the boy is on his way to school the next day when he
sees the mailman at his front door.

The boy greets him by saying, "I know the whole truth."

The mailman immediately drops the mail, opens his arms, and says,
"Then come give your daddy a great big hug!"


How Do I Tell the Kids About the Divorce? A Create-a-Storybook Guide
This unique book doesnt just tell you what to say -- it says it for you!
Fill-in-the-blank templates show parents how to create a storybook with
family photos and history to simplify this tough conversation. With
therapist advice. Professionally endorsed.



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Subscribers and Friends

Melva/Seasons Change

Carolyn w/ I KNow A Man Who Can

Marlene/Heavenly Sunrise/Gospel

John w/ Dust On The Bible

Syria And Rosco


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Surfin Surfari

Household Products Database

Ten Most Wanted

Halloween Cakes

Tricks For Treats 2


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Movie Links

Alabama Death Penalty Execution

Aussie Beaches

Baseball Flash

Best Pool Shot By A Naked White Chick

Best Work Boot

Korokurum Bridges


Microsoft No More Keyboards

uh 60 IN mOSUL



Short Chips

One woman says to another, "I can't understand why you haven't gone
to see that new gynecologist yet!"

"My gynecologist is fine. I don't need to change."

"But the new one's so young and handsome, while your gynecologist is
so old!"

The other woman replies with a smile, "Yeah, I know. His hands
shake all the time!"

Mary, despite her good looks and charm, had still never dated any
boys at the age of 19. Today she was asking her aunt Martha for
advice with boys.

"Aunt Martha," she started, "I've just started French kissing Tommy
and I need to know where the spit should go. I don't want to
dribble on my boyfriend."

"Swallow." Her aunt advised. "This will make you even more popular
later on."

Q. What do you do when your dishwasher stops working?

A. Yell at her.

Q. What do you call a truck full of dildos?

A. Toys for Twats


Toon Chips

boob heart

boob study

boob wash

boobie trap

boob job

boob job shirt


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Discover the Closely Guarded True Secrets of Master Hunters



Limerick Chips

I once had a ladyfriend, Rose,
Double-jointed she was, I suppose...
And I watched fascinated,
As Rose masturbated;
Herself with the tip of her nose.

Hickory dickory dock
some girl was sucking my cock
The clock struck two
I shot my goo
And dumped the bitch on the next block.

Hickory Dickory dock
Some slut was suckin my cock
Her hair got tangled
The bitch was strangled
But at least she swallowed the lot!!!!
<Snagged by>


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Parting Chips

Four newlyweds spent their honeymoon at Niagara Falls. They occupied
adjoining rooms, sat at the same table, and were inseparable. One
evening after dinner as they were returning to their rooms, there was
lightning and the lights went off. It was pitch dark, and groping
their way they made it to their rooms, and quietly undressed. Jack a
religious fellow knelt to pray. Just as he completed his prayer, the
lights came on that he saw that he was with his friend's wife. He
jumped up and dashed for the door -

"Too late to hurry now," said the girl "Joe never prays!"



Katie's Komfort Kolumn - Written By BJ Cassady

Katie's Komfort Kolumn
Vol 2112

Halloween Time

Katie: What kind of Kostume are you wearing this
year Val?

Val: I will be a fairy good mother. How about you?

Katie: I will be a billionairess.

Rudy: Sigh, of course.

Sandi: How about you Rudy?

Rudy: A lumberjack for me and for you Sandi?

Sandi blushing: I think I would like to be just
a farmer's wife. So I will wear an apron and
the like.

Rudy: How about being a lumberjack's wife?

Sandi blushing more: I could do that.

To be continued


Adult Adult


Remember 9/11/01

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Compilation and narrative copyright 2002 by william Brabant

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