May 24 - KFC's Col. Sanders floats into summer | Accenture adds programmatic services


Marketing Dive's Top News

Daily edition | May​ 24,​ 2018




Publisher's Note

You've probably already heard from a lot of companies about GDPR, the European privacy law set to take effect tomorrow. The new regulation covers a lot in its 99 articles and 173 legal recitals, but the driving principle is people have rights to their personal data and companies shouldn't abuse those rights just because they can. We agree!

Industry Dive has always worked hard to respect our readers and their data. For example, we don't rent or sell our list of email subscribers. Sponsored messages are sent through our own secure email system and we don't share any personal info with sponsors unless you specifically and explicitly agree to it.

However, we did take this opportunity to make some improvements:
  • Updated our privacy policy to clearly explain what we do and why in plain English.
  • Reduced what information we collect in the first place and automatically purge data when it is no longer needed.
  • Improved our internal process for users who wish to have their information deleted from our system.
Suggestions, questions or concerns about your privacy? Email

And, as always, you can unsubscribe at any time and we will not email you again.

Eli Dickinson
Industry Dive







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