Find More Meaning in Your Daily Work

How to find more meaning & creativity in your daily work.

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Artwork by Laurene Boglio.
Hello there-

Thanks for joining my army of curious creative minds! The goal of this newsletter—and everything I create—is to give you a newfound sense of control, confidence, and peace of mind in your daily work.
Every Thursday morning, I'll share my latest writing and ideas, as well as a tightly curated collection of the smartest articles and tips from around the Interwebs. Occasionally, I'll also include updates about new projects I have in the works.

Speaking of, my newest baby is Hurry Slowly, a podcast about how you can be more productive, creative, and resilient through the simple act of slowing down. If it wasn't on your radar, here are a few of the most popular episodes: And if podcasts aren't your thing, my homepage has a shortlist of my most-read blog posts, covering everything from saying "no" with grace, to reducing your anxiety about the news, to why you need "white space" in your daily routine.

I know your inbox—and your time—are precious, so thank you for subscribing!

All Best,

p.s. If you're feeling frisky, reply to this email with a link to an article that changed the way you work or create. I'll consider it for inclusion in the newsletter! : )
Copyright © 2018 Hurry Slowly LLC, All rights reserved.

 Mailing address:
Hurry Slowly LLC
P.O. Box 150-212
Brooklyn, NY 11215

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