Help Feed the Hungry Again This Year

Kick-start the Thanksgiving holiday by helping the less fortunate in your community.
Feed The Hungry | Goldstar
Last year our members donated
to hunger relief organizations all over the country. Help raise even more this year!
Make a Thanksgiving Donation to the Greater Chicago Food Depository
$10, $20 or $30
The scoop from our CEO.
Hello Goldstar Members,

I know your head is filled with turkey right now. Well, not literally (I hope), but you know what I mean. You're mentally pulling up a chair at the Thanksgiving table and transforming your plate into Stuffing Mountain.

But before you dash to the store to buy those last ingredients or flee the office to start your holiday (which I encourage you to do STAT, by the way), I want to ask you to do one little thing.

Hit the "Donate" button, use the payment info you've already got on file, and make a donation, even if it's just $10, to help someone in need this holiday. It makes a difference!

Together with you for the past 12 years, we've been helping organizations that feed, shelter and support homeless, hungry and severely disadvantaged people in the cities we serve. This year, we want to do it bigger than ever, so we hope you'll join in.

You might be wondering about the pictures in this email. These are folks from the Goldstar team cooking meals, running 5Ks and just generally having a blast while helping out the organizations we partner with in our own neighborhoods year-round — Union Station Homeless Services in Pasadena (Calif.) and Transition Projects in Portland (Ore.).

I share this with you because I want you to know that helping others is more than just a once-a-year-thing for us. It's part of who we are and what we believe in.

And we're so excited every year when we're able to team up with you on our Thanksgiving Appeal and reach so many more people — hundreds of thousands of them, nationwide.

If you have the ability to make a donation, it'll be well worth it.

Thanks as always for being a Goldstar member, but especially for brightening the holidays for people less fortunate than most of us.

Jim McCarthy
Jim McCarthy
CEO, Co-Founder, Goldstar
Make a Donation
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